Dear NBC,
Please stop playing reruns of all the Thursday night shows. What was the point of coming back from haitus for two weeks to just play more reruns the third week? It doesn't make sense. Are you trying to lose ratings?
Please don't do to my remaining comedy shows what you did to Scrubs, which is screw them over. Get in the game, I want my shows back.
Hoping For A Better Thursday,
Dear Gray's Anatomy,
Nice try on the musical episode. Really. Solid effort. Here are some tips for next time:
* have your cast members actually sing, rather than lip-sync
* it's okay (but a little lame) that you didn't write your own songs. I like covers. However, maybe choose songs that actually have something do to with the plot?
* happy-shiny dancing-around song in the middle of an otherwise intense and emotional episode? Felt a little jarring.
* could use more Owen-being-badass. Also, more Addison as guest star.
* I hate to be the one to tell you this, but Scrubs already used The Fray's "How To Save a Life" during an intense trying-to-save-the-patient scene...
a couple of years ago. Did you not know that? Certainly there are other songs out there you could have used...but then you wouldn't be the hospital-drama that steals ideas from the hospital-comedy. Like the idea of a musical episode. I forgot.
This is why I stopped watching you. I tuned in because my mom watches and I wanted to find out what happened to Callie. Will be tuning out again.
Not a lot of love left,
Somehow this all became about Scrubs, lol. I'm not sorry.