
Mar 29, 2011 13:12

GUYS, I had another really random stupid LOST dream last night. XDDD I need to tell you before I forget it all (it was really detailed...and had nothing at all to do with the show except the characters, lol). I have the craziest dreams when I'm sick, and I think this one was maybe hanging on from the fever, lol. It was really weird. And it involves my two favorite boys, of course. ;)

Our story begins in a posh, lively, popular hotel/casino in Vegas. Owned by Pierre Chang and Miles. Did I lose you yet? XDDD It gets better.

So Pierre gives complete control of the hotel over to Miles, because it's what Miles's mom wanted (?), with the condition that they never sell it. I don't know what Pierre is doing instead, I guess he retired. So Miles is the owner and he's doing pretty well for himself. Business is booming. He's rich and he has girls all over him. Naomi is his head of security, and Richard is his manager of the hotel. All is peachy.

BUT THEN (ready for the twist?) it's revealed that MILES IS SECRETLY GAY...WITH RICHARD. HELLLLLLLZ YEAH. Nobody knows about this, except for Naomi because it's her job to protect them plus she's Miles's bff (aw!). They have been secretly together for 3 years, and have been secretly living together in Miles's penthouse for 1 year (I told you it was a detailed dream, lol). I'm not sure why this is a big secret, but I guess Pierre would freak out or something so Miles keeps up the playboy act with the girls etc.

Then, in waltzes James, who is an old friend of Miles's and needs a job. (As an aside, I'm not really sure how they all met, but I think the island existed? I'm not sure...) So Miles says that they need a public face for the hotel, and James is the perfect pretty boy/Southern gentleman for the job. Pierre says Miles needs a co-owner to help run the joint, and maybe James would be good for that. Miles hires James and they live like billionaire playboys.

SUDDENLY, Richard is jealous. He doesn't think it's fair that James gets everything he should have, he works hard for the hotel and James just lays around with girls from the casino drinking cocktails. Richard and Miles have a big fight in the penthouse (lol), and Miles just happens to have the contract papers sitting out for co-ownership. Miles yells that he doesn't know what Richard needs to be happy. Richard yells that he's sick of hiding their relationship and sharing Miles, and he needs something bigger. He goes over to the papers and signs where James was supposed to sign, and tells Miles all he has to do is sign his name. They can co-own the hotel together and live a beautiful life! Miles grumbles a little, but he signs it. They decide not to tell James. Then they have sex on the couch. :DD

So of course it all blows up in their faces. James finds out that he doesn't co-own the hotel, he figures out about Richard and Miles being a couple, and then tells Pierre. Bitch! Pierre freaks out, says he wants control of the hotel back, but Miles won't give it to him. Pierre says he's going to sue him (I...don't really know what for...not sure what was illegal here, but WHATEVS), that he's going to take the information public and ruin Miles's name and reputation. Miles doesn't care. Then Pierre says that Miles's mom would be disappointed in him. Miles does care about that.

Eventually with Richard's coaxing, Miles decides he doesn't want to sue his dad, that he's going to sign everything back over to Pierre and be done with the whole thing. He calls a big press conference with Richard and Naomi there with him to tell the public everything. Then he addresses the rumors floating around that he's secretly gay, says it's all true and that Richard isn't only his business partner, but also his ~romantic partner~ lol. The press freaks out, except the gay reporters who think it's fab and ask when the big day will be. XDD Then Miles, Richard, and Naomi drive away in a limo (very discreet, Miles), and Richard and Miles decide to leave the state and go live off their savings. Miles appoints Naomi as manager before they leave.

Then they're living in California in a little beach bungalow. It's morning and Richard is making omelettes because he is a domestic god. :P Miles asks what the occasion is. Richard says that it's the anniversary of the day they met, and Miles pretends that he forgot it. Then he gives Richard an envelope. (Fellow shippers, hold onto your panties...)

Richard opens the envelope and two silver rings slide out, as well as a piece of paper. It's a marriage license, with Miles's part already signed. He tells Richard they just need to go to the court house and make it official, but all Richard has to do is sign his name. Of course Richard DOES, omg, and they exchange rings (which, just so you know, had Spanish engraved on the inside saying I love you now, forever, always. OMG HOW CUTE, NICE JOB, SUBCONSCIOUS). They go to the court house, and whoops, they need witnesses! In walks James, who they haven't seen since the shit all went down, and Ben, who I guess was Richard's past employer or something. Everyone is happy and Richard and Miles get married and live happily ever after in their beach bungalow. THE END.

...seriously. I am not making any of this up. I dreamt this. XDDD

I am really proud of my subconscious brain right now. That shit is awesome. XDDD I hope I never stop having wacked-out LOST dreams. It makes things so interesting when I wake up (I was pretty much flailing around the house screaming "OMGGGG THEY GOT MARRIEDDDDDDD!" LOL). *sigh*

I...think I might have to fic this. It could be a sideways!AU. Maybe. Or, I could just leave it as a dream, because it doesn't really make a lot of sense. XDD

OKAY, enough of my craziness. Off to do homework. But that really made my day SO much better. XDDD

lost, richard/miles, dreams, ships

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