Thursday comedy talk!

Feb 03, 2011 23:15

You know what I'm craving right now? Swiss Cake Rolls. Does anyone else love them? They're so much more delicious than Twinkies, imo. They remind me of babysitting, because my neighbors never had any food in the house but Goober Grape (that jelly mixed with peanut butter?) and Swiss Cake Rolls, so being allergic to peanuts I ate nothing but ( Read more... )

tv talk, fangirling, ships

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Comments 4

fleurdelista February 4 2011, 04:55:34 UTC
OMG The Tick is the greatest ever. I was so sad to find it after it had been cancelled. Batmanuel and Captain Liberty were my OTP too.


pann_cake February 4 2011, 04:58:51 UTC
SERIOUSLY. I love when they spontaneously started making out in the first episode. I keep waiting for it to happen again but she keeps crushing his spirit. XDD


ozmissage February 4 2011, 20:31:36 UTC
You got a P&R icon! :D

Dude, WORD to everything you said about Ben. I'm obsessed. And madly in love. I've been watching Party Down too, so I'm Od'ing on Adam Scott goodness right now. He's my new favorite thing. ;)

I'm so hoping Wesley comes back soon. I actually really like Carol, but Liz/Wesley is so much fun to watch.


pann_cake February 4 2011, 20:46:46 UTC
I renewed my paid account so I got MORE ICON SPACE YAY! :DD I have a bunch of 30 Rock icons saved on my other (crappier) computer, I need to get a few. ;)

SERIOUSLY. BEN. HOW SO ADORABLE? I am so in love with him too, he is the cutest. Favorite type of boy EVER. <333

Me too, I want Wesley back forever. I like Carol overall, but I feel like compared to the chemistry between Liz and Wesley it's really no contest. :P


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