Thursday comedy talk!

Feb 03, 2011 23:15

You know what I'm craving right now? Swiss Cake Rolls. Does anyone else love them? They're so much more delicious than Twinkies, imo. They remind me of babysitting, because my neighbors never had any food in the house but Goober Grape (that jelly mixed with peanut butter?) and Swiss Cake Rolls, so being allergic to peanuts I ate nothing but Swiss Cake Rolls for hours (this neighbor is also Jim Boland from CCHS, for the other alums out there, lol).

This week's Thursday shows filled me with so much love I need to yap about them for a bit. I haven't done a tv post in a while, yay! Cut for spoilers.

The Office: This episode was so funny, I think the funniest since it came back! It was full of old-school Office shenanigans and hilarity (although the lack of Jim in every episode is really starting to bother me. WHY?). I love Erin and how she looks out for Michael. And I've always loved Michael and Holly, so I'm so glad the will they/won't they drama is over and they're finally back together. It was very cute. :D

30 Rock: Fake!preggers Liz, omg. XDDD That photoshoot nearly killed me with the laffing. "You're eating for two, remember!" "Ok, so two egg sandwiches...times two is four egg sandwiches." XDD And Avery in the wizard cloak! Awesome. I love this show. I wish Avery was in it more, actually, because I adore Elizabeth Banks. OMG also? Making the baby's middle name "Elizabeth" after Liz?? So great. That's gayballs. XDD And I can't wait for the Valentine's Day episodes of everything next week (The Office, for one, is always great at holiday eps). And Carol is back, which is fun. But based on the trailer it looks like maybe they will fight? And break up? So Wesley can come back? XDD Not that I don't like Carol, but Liz/Wesley were so perfect for each other (I never really forgave her for how she broke it off with him, btw) and I love awkward hilarity like that. I feel like Wesley could be a permanent part of the show and fit in. That will never happen with Carol because, hello, MATT DAMON. And besides that, the only time I really laughed with him was the ep when he cried over breakfast and Liz snuck bites of her cereal, lol.

Parks & Rec: OKAY THIS SHOW. Suddenly, somehow, my love for this show has MULTIPLIED since last season. Maybe absense makes the heart grow fonder, I don't know. But now it is a full-blown obsession like the other 2. Ann and Chris continue to be adorable. Tom keeps making me yearn for him ( that way, I just want him to get together with someone, ANYONE, and be happy). And all the Twihard stuff was really annoying me, but, BUT, Leslie made it all better with one line: "I read the first 10 pages and just couldn't get into it, I'm more of a Harry Potter girl." FUCK. YEAH. I literally WHOOPED when she said that. :DDD

And also, the main thing I wanted to talk about? Ben. 100% adorable. Just, JUST, gimme that man. I don't know what happened. He snuck up on me and is so cute. While watching, I told my mom "okay, I find him just so super cute!" and she goes "he is! And I'm not surprised, he's exactly your type." Okay. OKAY. I like skinny little dorky guys. You can wave a million glistening-pecced Josh Holloways at me, and yeah, I'd stare and get distracted and forget how to speak, but the guys I love? Are always skinny little dorky dudes (which is exactly my boyfriend, fyi. Those of you who know him are not surprised, lol). And every time he and Leslie have a scene together I flail like a spaz. They are my biggest Thursday night ship. Unless Wesley comes back to 30 Rock, then it will be a tie. :P

I'm sorry if that turned into shippy tangents, lol. XDD I used to do that with The Office, back in the day before Jim and Pam were official (rewatching those old eps, they are so bittersweet and I just like it better with them adorably married and with the cutest baby ever...and I love daddy!Jim, he is the cutest). So yeah, I miss the comedy shipping. It's more fun than with "drama" shows. :P

Also, I borrowed the live-action The Tick from a friend and watched about 6 episodes tonight. XDD Omg Nestor Carbonell. He is the cutest/hottest/funniest ever. I love seeing an actor I've only seen in dramas do comedy, it's like watching a dog walk on its hind legs (Jon Hamm on 30 Rock, anyone??). He is amazing. I've never seen the end, I'm kind of rooting for him and Captain Liberty to get together. XDD I can't be stopped over here, I will ship until I die.

I'm gonna shut up and finish my Pop Tarts then go to bed. :P

tv talk, fangirling, ships

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