Jan 12, 2008 09:48
Get it?
Thank you Pete Wentz for making it ok to label yourself.
You've done a world of good.
People are not cans of soup, not chopped green beans, not canned corn.
Therefore we don't need labels.
If you or a loved one have been labeling your, his or herself, you need to stop.
Labels are only truely handed out when the person themselves is truely uncomfortable with who they are.
Labels to fit in, basically.
Like when a football player admits to being a jock, secretly, he's the second flute in the band who really only wants some acceptance.
He may suck at the sport, but he just needs something to distract people from the band nerd inside.
And you know what? This world is so obsessed with sports, so within the week he'll have a cheerleader girlfriend and a whole lunch table of new friends.
I may be a freshie, but I'm not an idiot.
I've seen so many people change from a great person to someone who's just lying to themselves about who they really are.
There's nothing in this world that annoys me more than that.
But it's not only being handed a label.
It's fessing up to one too.
I remember last year I was like, if people think I'm emo, or goth, maybe that is who I am.
Now, call me emo or goth or anything of the like, and I won't care.
If that's how you see me, fine.
I'm sure I'll see you as a whore or a slut that just wants me to disappear.
Yeah, make yourself high and mighty, but I'll probably beat you in a fight anyday.
labels are bad!