Title: The Salty Sea Wench
Team: Jon
Prompt: A Calm Sea Does Not Make a Skilled Sailor
Rating: R
Warnings: Oral sex, boy kissing, slight angst, overusage of the F word (blame Gerard)
Pairing: Jon/Spencer, Ryan/Brendon
Summary: Jon is content with his job in the little coastal town with his regular customers and easy orders, but when a strange
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When I was first introduced to Brendon, I tilted my head in baffled amusement as I tried to solve every little riddle he gave the townsfolk. For a moment there, I thought he and Gerard might duke it out, fists vs. words, but then Brendon was left to muse happily in one piece. Yay! Still, I felt for Ryan at the end when Brendon talked about leaving, because that would be hard to lose someone you'd only just found.
I can relate to Jon in that I live in a small town, where I'm going no where. I'm ace at what I do and moving would definitely reap better rewards than staying here. However, our reasons for staying are different. Still, I wanted to hold Jon's hand and squeeze it and tell him to just think it through, that the right decision would come to him in time. Then I would sit down and have him make me one of those fancy city drinks that he's been concocting for Bden.
I love shy!Spencer turned incharge!Spencer. I mean, it's great to read stories where Spencer's always the dominant one, taking control, but it's nice to see him unsure before making a split second decision. I think I need a Spencer of my own. :p
Overall, I think you did a great job. So I will stop rambling now. :D
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