Title: The Salty Sea Wench
Team: Jon
Prompt: A Calm Sea Does Not Make a Skilled Sailor
Rating: R
Warnings: Oral sex, boy kissing, slight angst, overusage of the F word (blame Gerard)
Pairing: Jon/Spencer, Ryan/Brendon
Summary: Jon is content with his job in the little coastal town with his regular customers and easy orders, but when a strange fisherman clomps into his bar, things start to change.
Notes: Go Team Jon!
Word count: 15, 638
Disclaimer: I claim no ownership of people, bands, copyrighted brands or products in this piece of fiction. I make no money off it, and intend no malice. This is only for fun, and doesn't hold a shred of truth. Googling yourself or your friends is a bad, bad thing.
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