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I can totally see this being girl!Ryan and girl!Brendon. Obviously Ryan is the bitch, and is all "pft, I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay, no way do I look like I'm gay?", and of course Bren is stupidly in love with her highly attractive yet blunt roommate. And then they start ~fooling around and Ryan still tries to uphold her "I'm not gay" thing but eventually starts to crack under the pressure of Bren's mouth. And then there's angst because of course Ryan doesn't want to be gay! That's weird! And Bren is left broken and feels used and is tired of Ryan being fickle because she needs to get over her insecurities. But, of course, Ryan stops being stupid in the end and they live happily ever after.
WILL SOMEONE PLEASE WRITE THIS?! Because if not, I'll be forced to, and then it'll suck.
You cannot deny a prompt like this, okay.