***I wrote this some time ago. I feel it's important for you to know that. I'm not writing it now amidst my new happy life full of wonderful things--I wrote it during one of the worst, most miserable, most wretched years I've ever experienced in my young life, when I had nothing but the vaguest of hopes to look forward to. I want you to know that even during that time, I was so blessed; I had so many things to still be thankful for, and I KNEW and ACKNOWLEDGED it, too. So here we go.***
Today is a special day, a day when my blog gets to see something it hasn't in quite a while. (Or maybe not ever.) Today my blog is hosting a shout out --- TO MY HOMEBOYS!
I bet you didn't even know they existed, because I never write about them. I tend to write more about the jerks and useless cowards-the people who are making me crazy, not the ones who are making life worthwhile :) But guess what? There are a whoooole BUNCH of my homeboys out there. And I'd do well do remember that, too.
These are the guys who made a difference in a GOOD way, who built roads and bridges where others had wrought only destruction. They are the ones who won't LET me "hate all of man-kind" because they are too good, and I know it, and therefore, I can't apply blanket statements like "guys suck" because these examples stand in the way. And that truth always wins.....eventually.
You are the ones who give me hope in other people. You are the ones who inspire me to always give the benefit of the doubt to someone--you are the proof that the risk is worth it. Those holes left in my life by the ones who SHOULD have been there, who had a natural duty to do so? YOU were the ones who came in of your own accord and filled them, and you didn't even have to. You are the ones who help me to understand others of your gender (and how to deal with them, haha!). More importantly, you are the ones who help me to understand the character of God more and more. You teach me how to relate to Him. You teach me what it means to have a protector, a father, a leader, and a friend in Him.
Here's to you, homeboys. I am so thankful for you. The next time you feel worthless or unnecessary, please try to remember how much you mean to me, the difference you make, the way the devil will never be able to take hold of me and convince me to give up on the rest of you, because YOU are standing in the way--just you, the person you are, the way you are true to yourself and the way God uses you in my life.
Here's to you!
Here's to the guy who taught me how to pour a beer.
Here's to the guy who taught me how to throw a punch.
Here's to the guys who carry on in-depth, philosophical, and existential discussions with me--about zombies and other stupid things.
Here's to the guy who showed me how to stretch my perspective of the world and see a bigger picture.
Here's to the guy who calls or sends me a text when he knows I'm going through a rough time.
Here's to the guy who taught me how to cut packing tape with my teeth (that has been SOOO useful lately)
Here's to the guys who have told me that I'm beautiful. I NEVER forget that.
Here's to the random guys all over the world who stop and remember to hold a door open for me. That one never gets old.
Here's to the guys who have felt anger for my sake.
Here's to the guy who blabs on for hours and hours and lets me sit there and just be entertained.
Here's to the guys who laugh at my jokes. Actually, to EVERYONE who laughs at my jokes. You people deserve some kind of medal or something.
Here's to the guy who keeps me in check, who doesn't let me be selfish, but does so in love and instruction.
Here's to the guy who helps me pull stupid pranks.
Here's to the family men.
Here's to the guy who said I can't get married unless he approves my groom first.
Here's to the guy who helps me move furniture, and drove four hours to pick me up in the middle of nowhere when I'd crashed my car and was stranded in the hospital--and then took me the rest of the way to my destination (another 5 or 6 hour) so I could get to my job interview on time, and then drove me all the way back home. Who took on the responsibilities of a dad when he married my mom, even though I was old enough that he didn't have to.
Here's to the guys who actually, genuinely like women.
Here's to the guy who practices what he preaches.
Here's to the guy who watches YouTube with me for HOURS.
Here's to the guys who remember to ask about small details.
Here's to the guys who laugh with me at poop jokes and don't disrespect me for it. Did anyone else laugh at every single BM joke made on that last episode of Chuck? Cause uh......I did.
Here's to the guy who apologized for being mean.
Here's to all the guys who ever thought I was mad at them, when I wasn't, and it was my fault for being confusing, and who checked with me to make sure I wasn't mad. (This happens a lot...I am a terrible communicator sometimes, and it clashes with my dry sense of humor.)
Here's to the guys who just TAKE THE TIME, once in a while.
Here's to the guy who always tells me not to give up.
I used to think that depending on these people means weakness. It doesn't--they make me STRONGER. It does mean vulnerability, but it's so worth it when I find the trustworthy ones. Thank you, homeboys, for everything you do for me, aware or unaware; I wish I could express it completely. I am so glad to have you.
If you want to talk about your homeboy, or give a shout out to someone else making a difference, click that little button down there and go for it! I'd like to hear about it.