Roar of Remembering

Jul 15, 2012 13:37

Title: Roar of Remembering
Rating: pg
Word Count: 478
Summary: Grumpy right after the curse breaks.

Written for the oneuponaland promoted bang challenge.

Prompt: So Brave So gallant, So Badass

Leroy grabbed his hat and headed out towards Granny’s diner.

Why he still bothered he wasn’t sure.

It would be another pointless day doing a pointless job.   Everyday was the same shit.

He turned around and looked at his boat.  He thought again about untying the damn thing and sailing off.  Where didn’t matter, could be somewhere worse, could be somewhere better, but it would be somewhere different.

With his luck it would probably be somewhere worse.

“Stupid chicken shit.” He mumbled to himself.

Almost every day he thought of just leaving but he always ended up going to work instead. Today was no different.

He turned back and started walking again.  He wasn’t going anywhere except to Granny’s for  coffee, then work, then he’d grab a bottle on the way home and have a nice liquid dinner to help him forget what a crappy life he had.

He was several blocks away when a gust of wind blew past him and suddenly he was no longer Leroy, the town drunk.

He was Grumpy and he had brothers.  He had friends.  Snow, the curse, the queen; he remembered everything.

He turned around in different directions, unable to decide where to go first.  The pharmacy to get Sneezy?  The school to find Snow?  Or maybe everyone would go to Granny’s to meet if they remembered.

He looked around trying to see if anyone else looked like they remembered. Standing on the sidewalk a half block away,  looking confused, was none other than Storybrooke’s DA, King George.

All other thoughts left his head. He opened his mouth and roared, running straight towards the king.

Within seconds he had him on the ground.

He straddled him and grabbed by the collar with his left hand.

“No guards to protect you now!”

He landed the first punch right across the cheek.

“This is for Stealthy!”

Another punch and another.

He wasn’t sure how many blows he landed before he heard someone yelling his name.

His old name.

“Dreamy, stop it!&rdquo

He recognized the voice immediately and turned his head to see Nova standing there, looking absolutely terrified.

All the anger left him instantly.  He looked down at King George, his face all bloody and bruised and let go.  He stood up and stumbled back.

“What’s gotten into you?  The Dreamy I know would never do something like this?” She asked, arms crossed.

“He killed my… He’s a bad… I was just so..” “  He sighed and rubbed the back of his head. “ I’m sorry Nova and it’s not Dreamy. My name has been Grumpy for a long time now.”

She uncrossed her arms and smiled.

“You’ll always be Dreamy to me.  Now we have to go.” She took his hand

He looked at her then back at the bloodied king and walked away holding Nova’s hand as the cloud of smoke approached them.


landcomm, fic

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