The Abyss~

Nov 03, 2009 13:08

Please post the links to three applications you have voted on:
I. here
II. here
III. here


Likes: people, honesty, chivalry, irony, tragic romances, talking(personal/theories), dreaming, dancing, loli, food, cute things
Dislikes:liars, being called a liar, character insults, being misinterpreted, being unable to help others, helplessness, making people unhappy
Interests/Hobbies:writing, music, singing, theater, teaching, making things, sewing, baking, etc
Please describe your personality:Everyone says I'm one of the happiest people they know, but I'm actually pretty depressed most of the time. I'm either really happy or very sad, but normally lonely.
Please describe your appearance or post a few pictures of yourself (please put pictures under a link):
I look like this but my hair is shorter now. <3
and Sour


Leader or Follower?Leader when I'm feeling confident enough to be one. I am shy at times, but then I am just by myself-not following others, just my own leader . . . if that makes sense.
Listener or Speaker? Both. I'm good at listening, but I feel like I have a lot to say.
Persistant or Weak-willed? Both, it depends on the situation and the person. My heart is swayed easily by others and wins out over my mind most of the time. In cases where I feel things strongly, I never shut up and I'm very persistent.
Pessimistic or Optimistic? Never Pessimistic. Optimistic but realistic.
Patient or Impatient? Impatient. I'm always running around and doing a million things at once.
Common Sense or Book Smart? Both, but more-so on the common sense. I don't retain facts well, just emotions.
Business or Pleasure? Both, but one has to accept business in order to enjoy pleasure and understand its worth.


Who is your favorite character and why? Jack, I love him for his complexities, honesty, and selfless selfishness.
Who/What is your favorite Chain and why? Alice. Well, I mean, that counts right? Erm. B-Rabbit? Her personality.
If you were in Pandora Hearts, what role would you have? I'd be the one who was trying to save everyone, when really I myself am the one who needs saving. <3


Any suggestions you would like to add? Um, no?
Do you have any problems with any of the questions?I hope not.
Anything else?I've never been in a ratings comm, so I hope I'm doing this right. I'm sorry if I was supposed to tag the post. I am unsure.
Would you like a anime stamp? or a manga stamp?manga

oz vessalius

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