Please post the links to three applications you have voted on:
HERE ζ The About Questions
Name: Sarada
Stamped as:
Echo ζ The Opinion Questions
Which house do you prefer or like best compared to the others?
I don't really know, because I kinda like them all in some way, and I don't have a favourite. That's the reason why I'm doing this.
Which house do you think you will be part of?
...dunno. Rainsworth sounds good to me.
Why or in what way are you part of either one of the 5 Houses? Maaybe... I do things others doesn't want to because I can't usually say no....
ζ The Theme Questions
Would you prefer to be working backstage or on stage in Pandora? Backstage for me, please.
So what would you be doing mainly? Like I said, things that other people doesn't want to. Dunno what they are, like... paper work? Cleaning?
Can you work well with others in a group and/or enjoy it? Not really. I can work with people sometimes, but I don't enjoy it because I think people do things wrong.
If your role was replaced with someone else supposedly "better", how would you react? I'd be sad, and try to find other role I'm good with. I don't want to fight because I don't have self-conficence.
If you were the Head of the House, what would you do first?
Umm... Maybe... want to eat my favourite food?
How would you treat your subordinates?
If I like them, I'm nice. If I don't like them, I'm not nice. That's simple. Sometimes I'm nice to the people I don't like, though... It depends on my mood.
and How would you go about going your duties or spending your leisure time everyday? If they are duties I like, I'm doing them. If they are duties I don't like, well... I may be a little lazy.
Will you be able to coorperate/get along with the Rainsworths without getting Harisen-ed? ...impossible. Ttly impossible ^^;
ζ The Misc. Questions
Any problems with the questions? That the Head of the House question, because I wouldn't want to be the Head of the House.
Any suggestions that could help improve the comm? nope.
Anything else? ...I hope this is not too short. I'm at school and the day's starting to end so I was in a little hurry ^^;