Icon Meme!
I've been waiting for an opportunity to show off with my icons, now that I can have 105 of them and all. 8D
How did I ever manage with 15, I wonder.
Reply to this entry with "Jaaa~, baby!" somewhere in your comment. Then I'll choose six of your icons for you to talk about in your own journal.
karnimolly picked these six icons for me:
(as she knows how I roll, it's all about "fucked-up pretty boys" /quote)
Alois Trancy from Kuroshitsuji II aka the prettiest and most fucked-up of them all. I could have tons of icons featuring Alois, but this is probably my favourite! It's from a scene where he's worshipped as a sex object by his creepy stepfather, and his face looks just beautiful, so cold and haughty, like a doll. <3
Boromir and Faramir, tragic brothers! Well, I have a weakness for those, and I love Boromir and also Faramir - as Molly and I watch these movies over and over again, they grew on me a lot.
There are some things I really adore about the LotR movies, and the depiction of those two and their bond definitely is one of those I love more than in the books, together with their relationship to their father. They make me sad, but in a good way.
Jack Atlas demands attention! Especially from Yusei! And is very cute and adorable while doing so.
Fits perfectly at any occasion, even more so since Jack is very neglected in the series, especially by Yusei.
Shiroe Seki Rei from Terra e, one of those sassy bratty boys I adore so much. Gets bonus points for loving Peter Pan and having lots of Foe Yay/Hoe Yay with Keith, as they are something like enemies, yet have this friendship-y dynamic, too. In this wonderful scene, Keith just took care of unconscious Shiroe, sitting by his bedside.
Their tragic romance friendship romance is probably the best part of this anime!
Fun fact: Shiroe is wearing one of Keith's shirts and as soon as he wakes up, he's going to complain about that. :3
Neil from Mysterious Skin, a very serious and actually very well-done movie about child abuse - it gets under your skin and is quite disturbing, without using unnecessary shocking scenes or violence.
More importantly, though, I'm completely fascinated by Neil's character and love him to bits and pieces - and Gordon-Levitt as his actor, too. It doesn't hurt either that he reminds me of Jet from Avatar. X3
Klavier Gavin, the one character I have way too many icons of, no matter how hard I try to reduce them. But his animated moves are so glimmerous pretty, and this is the one I like most. Despite all its emotional intensity, I'm always captured by the way his G-chain and his unicorn hair are swinging in time.
The perfect icon for people like me, who like to be in denial and to stay there. ;D
And these are the 6 icons
foxysquid picked:
Hahaha, well, there can never be enough silly icons involving Seto Kaiba, the silliest man to ever play card games.
His entrance in the first ep + a ridiculous song quote = a must-have icon for me, and
karnimolly was so nice to think of me when she stumbled across it!
Ah, the old days of Pokémon! These two are the proof that I always thought rivals in animes actually like each other and just like bickering too much to simply be friends. Even my little self already loved that scene already where Ash held Gary in his arms in a very dramatic moment, just to let him fall at the first distraction.
Haha, I guess that says all about those two, right? ...and about me I guess.
When watching OuranHighSchoolHostClub, of course I did like Hikaru and Kaoru for their mischievious ways - but as I'm silly and take even Ouran seriously, I liked them even more when they still closed themselves up in their own world. Oh, fictional!twins and the problems that arise from not being seen as an individual, but always an entity of two!
So I had to have a dramatic icon of them, especially since I really do like their simple haircuts.
I never thought about why, but I liked that photograph since I first found it on deviantart - I even printed it out and pinned it on my wall. I have a weakness for photography and composed pictures, and while a field of wheat and a nice butt in a jeans might not be the most original motive, the whole appeal for me is in that gesture, the hand and the calmness of that scene. I like the warmth the photo radiates. One can almost hear and feel the warm wind rustling through the wheat.
What did I say about tragic brothers? ;)
I made this icon because I was so happy to find fanart of the Gavin brothers being younger, and I like speculating about that time.
Klavier's so wide-eyed and innocent here, full of adoration for his older brother. I think that was how he was perfect to Kristoph.
(Actually, it was an animation and Klavier was blinking and forming a word with his lips - it was so very adorable, how could I ever resist?)
As I watched Kuroshitsuji II solely for Alois, I never payed much attention to Hannah, who seemed to be just a servant who liked being bullied and pushed around. But well, to sum it up without spoiling too much, she turned out to be quite kickass and the biggest troll of the whole series, trolling every character and the audience in the last minute!
The icon was made in honor of that. ;D
I can laugh about well-done trolling, and Trololol expresses my sentiments very well.
Time Travel Meme!
winhall tagged me for this meme, and I did it last Sunday, yet didn't want to post it on its own and waited for an excuse.
So it's now a time-travel meme!
1. People who have been tagged must write the answers on their blog and replace any question they dislike with a new, original question.
2. Tag eight of people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.
This meme can't tell me what I have to do, and to prove this, I will tag no one!
I'm such a rebel.
1. Make a list of 5 things that you can see without getting up:
- my brother
- a children's world map with many funny illustrations
- my brother's guitar (it's red and black with a tooth-ish pattern, so very evil! XD)
- several embarrassing masterpieces he and I drew years ago
- a dustbin standing on the desk for some reason
2. How do you style your hair?
I spray water on it to undo whatever sleeping on a pillow has done to my hair (it tends to stick out in the most ridiculous ways), and I comb it a bit. Done.
3. What are you wearing now?
Jeans, with warm tights underneath against the cold, and a new green hoodie. Now stained with gravy, after a dinner accident...
It's almost Hobo-esque.
4. What's your occupation?
University student studying History, and hopefully English again soon, as soon as I got all the paperwork done.
5. What do you hear right now?
An audiobook of Kafka's "Der Prozeß", as my brother has to read that book for his final school exams.
I didn't remember it to be this tedious...
6. Who was the last person you hugged?
Emma, my family's dog. <3
It shouldn't amuse me so much that her name resembles the one of a certain female detective with an eating disorder... ;)
7. What is/was for dinner?
Well, 3) already gave that away. It's strange to eat proper meals again, with meat and salad and all that... XD
(One of the things why visiting my parents is nice)
8. What did you do today?
Went for a walk with my parents and Emma, despite the cold. Somehow, a dog is a nice reason to go outside for an hour :)
9. Dog person or cat person?
I always considered myself to be more of a cat person, if anything, but now that I know Emma, I think I can say I am very much a dog person - in this special case, at least.
First and foremost, I am a rabbit person, though.
10. If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?
I like my name a lot, I'm quite fond of the letter "a". So there's no way I'm going to change it, I'd even like to keep my last name, given the highly unlikely case I should marry one day.
11. What was the last thing that you bought?
"Professor Layton and the Lost Future", although technically, it was
karnimolly who bought it.
12. If you could afford to go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
An unlikely scenario, but well, I can dream: England and Ireland, several parts of the US, Iceland, New Zealand and I'd re-visit most parts of France. <3
13. Where do you see yourself in five years?
Hopefully, I'll be on my way to becoming a English and History teacher.
14. Where's your birthmark?
Haha, is it bad that all I can think of when reading that word is duelists clutching their glowing right arm?
Honestly, I have no idea, I never looked for one.
15. What are you doing this weekend?
Well, it is Sunday, so I won't be doing much. Same goes for next week - when I'm visiting my family I always have a rather quiet time.
16. Which book are you reading at the moment?
I've forgotten what I've been reading before Ace Attorney and the exams kept me busy, but I'm trying to finally start reading "Baudolino" by Umberto Eco, because it was recommended to me (and I'm now able to grasp the historical dimension).
17. The last movie you've seen?
TRON, again. It is actually even more pointless and dumb when you watch it for the second time.
So much wasted potential...
18. What are you doing tomorrow?
Taking Emma for a walk, probably. Maybe finally sleep in as long as I want without my mother waking me up for some reason!
19. What are you looking forward to the most?
To play the next Ace Attorney, Pokémon and Professor Layton games. And Leipziger Bookfare, which is hopefully going to be fun! :D