Since I wrote a post complaining about my laptop problems, it seems appropriate to mention that it's working again and I'm actually writing this post right now on that laptop! Yes, I am very happy about that. <3
Finally, I can recover my data and save stuff again, and do something productive! Also, with the exams being over (for now), I can be online as much as I want. It's almost paradise! :D
On another note, Molly and I have been playing Professor Layton and the Curious Village out of, uh, curiosity.
And maybe solving puzzles can be kind of fun, when they aren't too difficult and you're not trying to solve them on your own. Molly was definitely lying when she said she hated puzzles, because while I soon started to give up and just wanted to consult the walkthrough, she kept insisting on solving them - and damn, she was quite good at solving those puzzles.
But still, after a while, they quickly get annoying, especially when they get rather impossible to solve! And the lack of common sense is rather irritating. Why does no one just make the pigs move if they want them to be seperated so badly? Or if your sandwich doesn't fit into your lunchbox, why don't you just take a bite and make it fit? And really, who would even want to know how many squares you can create by connecting a bunch of pins on a random board?
However, our protagonists' enthusiasm for this kind of thing was endearing, and both the Professor and little Luke grew on me.
Luke's accent in the UK version is the cutest! <3 "Professah!"
Somehow, I still think the Professor is a bit... creepy, but I'm so very fond of those two by now, I actually do want to play another game - despite of all these cursed puzzles!
And well, Legal does look very promising. |D (By promising I actually mean that he's a sexy bastard and I ship those three like FedEx <3).
Also, I'm planning on buying another Ace Attorney game as soon as I'm back in Leipzig (I am currently visiting my parents, so my father could fix my PC and all), and Molly and I decided it would be "Trials and Tribulations", because we figured if we already started with "Apollo Justice", we just might to do it all backwards, for maximum confusion!
(And I don't want to wait for Godot ;)
/is shot
Plus, the new Pokémon editions are coming out soon, and I'm so excited - I actually haven't been this excited for a Pokémon game since Gold & Silver. There are new Ghost Pokémon, including Ghost/Fire and Ghost/Water types, which finally makes it possible to have a team solely of Ghost types that doesn't suck! :D
And I'm so madly in love with the Ghost/Fire one, as I have this thing for violet and yellow coloured Ghosts and it resembles a lamp. <3 I think personalized lamps are unbelievably cute~
Ghost types aside, there's also this one, which does look like a punk with a hoodie and yellow baggy pants. <3
Of course, I'm still very sceptical regarding all these innovations and the new Pokémon, but I'm already so ridiculously in love with those two that I just can't wait to play it! Plus, there are a
bunch of other Pokés that I do think are very cute, too.
So, March is going to be the month where I indulge in playing silly game boy games, and maybe I shouldn't be so excited about that~ :D