14th Feb is coming. and you know what i hate it. Today, i start missing the times we spent together. OF ALL DAYS!? TODAY!? yeah hell yeah, we were just fine, as a group of friends. Then you had to barge in and ruin everything. You had to split the five of us up. Just with 3 words. You and her. What's wrong with the both of you seriously!? You know it wouldn't happen right??! And what's with letting him to me just cause we look happier together. HELL NO, i wont be happy with him for even A DAY. thank you and goodbye.
I can wish on a billion stars and whatever but valentines and white valentines will never be celebrated here in singapore-.-
at least never for me. Zzz
i guess my only hope is kendo now. I do well, i get to go to Japan.
wait, that has no link to valentines -.-
Day 1- Handwrite your full name.
Day 2- Handwrite your livejournal url.
Day 3- Handwrite your livejournal headline.
Day 4- Handwrite your favorite quote.
Day 5- Handwrite your bestfriends name.
Day 6- Handwrite your crushes name.
Day 7- Handwrite your three favourite songs of all time.
actually i have so many favourites.
Day 8- Handwrite whatever you want with a black pen in capitals.
Day 9- Handwrite your favourite word.
Day 10- Handwrite your lucky number.
Day 11- Handwrite all the websites you’re signed up with.
Day 12- Handwrite your name using the hand opposite of what you normally use.
Day 13- Handwrite the first 10 things that pop into your head.
Day 14- Handwrite your livejournal crushes.
Day 15- Handwrite “hello”.
Day 16- Handwrite whatever you want, filling up the whole piece of paper.
Day 17- Handwrite on something other than paper.
Day 18- Handwrite a few words that sum you up.
Day 19- Handwrite your five favourite bands.
Day 20- Handwrite a letter to somebody