Root or ring?

Jan 26, 2007 02:23

Am I root or ring (or right or wrong if you prefer) to have ordered the New Beginnings DVD set (hopefully arriving tomorrow - i'm probably getting my hopes up here) when I currently haven't got any money to spend for at least 7 days (literally none available) even after a several hundred pound loan from my parents. That money is ring-fenced to pay my rent next month. I now think wrong; but it's too late - I ordered it as soon as it was available - which I think was before Christmas.

Luckily, in heinzeit, I didn't win the auction fo the whisky tonight; as it went for £15.50; when I'd lodged a maximum bid of £15. If I had been there I probably would have bid more. I was after getting a very nice whisky to have when rob-rjt visits.

Annoyingly, as neither my housemate nor I have had chance to do any washing up the lamb wasn't cooked for dinner. So I decided it should be grilled tonight and used in a sandwich tomorrow as I didn't think it would last another night. Unfortunately I couldn't get the grill lit, so I've bribed my housemate into doing it for me now as I'm too tired.

I'm, for the first time, seriously considering selling off my book and DVD collections; as money is becoming a serious problem. I've cut almost all the rest of my expenditure down to zero - I think I'll cut my food and drink bill down next week by using up my stores of soup, lentils and so on; and by only buying fresh fruit, milk and yoghurts for a few weeks. A lack of meat wont do me any harm for a while - in fact it might do me good - I had been considering going vegetarian again anyway. I keep having very vivid dreams taht are disturbing about the way I've seen cattle and pigs killed and also have stopped eating fish in protest over fishing methods. Rather, fish from either unknown or definitely bad catching practices; i.e. farmed wish would be ok. In fairness I would probably just stop altogether; the only thing i'll miss is prawn cocktails. I'll probably just dwindle my stocks down and not replace them. We'll see.

I'm starting to worry about my gums as they are bleeding a lot though they have improved after having a very vigorous scrub - initially more bleeding, but the pain has gone and the bleeding is a lot better now. Part of my loose filling has fallen out - I had probably better get round to making a dentist appointment to have it redone and have an excuse to visit home for a week. I'll see if i can get an appointment to coincide with Nana's birthday - assuming she doesn't disappear to one of her cousins (once removed) again - hopefully she wont as it really irritates Mum and Dad. They keep offering to take her at other times of year, but she always goes at times of year that will annoy them. Of course no one has pointed this out to her; and I'm certainly not; plus I know why she does it. Grrr.

Right, time to get back to being pissed off with my health.

Night all.

money, doctor who, vegetarian, whisky, dentistry

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