So it's been a while! But it seems my latent powers has been awaken once again by
chichan517, who requested my subbing expertise~ xD Another tasty Ayaka tidbit, for all you Ayaka fans out there! Bon appetit! <3
Making of Unplugged MTV ayaka
This is only my second time subbing, so it's not much, and my translations still leave much to be desired (I did guess a bit, here and there, after much frustration over slurred words, slang and funny dialects) but I hope it all makes sense and you're not terribly offended by my lack of skill (especially you Japanese-fluents out there ;D). Have fun watching!
Again, I don't mind taking up any subbing requests if I think it's within my ability to do so! :D Any Arashi or Ayaka vid requests are full welcome! ^^ (though I'm currently in the midst of midsemesters, so I won't be able to do anything for the next couple of weeks ^^; Please bear with me)
[pandaranda-chichan517] Making of Unplugged MTV ayaka mediafire links
001 |
002 |
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004 (password: ay4k4MTV)
As always, mediafire is giving me grief! So I've tried sendspace instead! :D If I manage to get the mediafire links uploaded, I'll post them up too, but in the meantime, I hope you can make do with sendspace. Yay! All mediafire links are now up. Enjoy! ^^
[pandaranda-chichan517] Making of Unplugged MTV ayaka sendspace links
001 |
002 Raw Provider: Kimmy
garnet_moon07Timing, Translation:
PandarandaEditing, Typesetting, Karaoke:
chichan517File Size: 316MB
Duration: 00:22:19
Resolution: 720 x 480
Edit: Oops, there was one mistake I was meaning to change but forgot to. xD At 12:45 when she says "It was there, at the age of ten, that I first experienced the turning point that created my desire to be an artist.", what she actually said was "It was there, ten years ago (so she was actually about 12/5th grade)...etc." Sorry about that. xP
The rules of course are, please do NOT redistribute or reupload my links (link back to this page if you wish to share with anybody), and translations into other languages are welcome but please credit before taking. Thank you.
Comments are always loved! Enjoy~ <3
Note: You'll have to use
HJSplit to join the parts together! :D
Of Movies and Such...
And just as an aside:
How to Train Your Dragon rocks!!! You should totally watch it~ It's totally the best animated movie so far this year, gonna be hard to beat (Toy Story? Hmmm...O_o).
Anyway, I WANT A DRAGON! Mainly Toothless~ <333
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