I've been kind of kicking around the idea of neutering at least two of my rats for a while. Bert just gave me a larger reason than having two seperate cages.
His healthy testicles looked like this:
and just a few week or so ago this developed:
So I scheduled the appointment for today and he got the snip! I wasn't too worried about it at first but decided to have Dr. Mercer look at it the first warm day. She took one quick look and recommended it be removed as it looked like a melanoma. So I made the appointment that following week. It was Dr. Paul's first rat neuter but not first rat surgery. I was still mortified and stressing myself out to the point of exhaustion at work. He came out fine and got a free teeth trim, nail trim, and sebaceous cyst lance! Poor thing is so tired though and has to be seperated from Bastian in the new hospital cage I just brought (climb free) for a few days. Dr. Paul recommended 10-15 but I think I can do 2-3 and it will be fine.
It was a little less routine for a neuter, so the incision is large and I probably need to be extra careful. I opted not to spend $150 on sending it to the lab. It wouldn't do me any good to know it was cancerous. What would I do to him if it was? Can't give a rat chemo.
I'm happy my Bert is alright. He really impressed much of the staff and I'm sure he made their day interesting as most of their business is cats/dogs. Dr. Paul is a wonderful exotic vet though, even if he has only been practicing for 3-4 years.
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