Dec 09, 2008 17:14
1 - I woke up one Saturday morning to discover that Cinemax was showing Neil Gaiman's first cinematic endevour Mirror Mask. I love this movie so much, it's like if Tim Burton had made a film inspired by Alice in Wonderland.
2 - I finally got Ultima(after spending hours in that god-forsaken mapless dungeon) and Zodiark(which took well over an hour to clear the map and another hour to beat the fucking fetus) on Final Fantasy XII.
3 - Power Rangers Operation Overdrive premiered on Jetix down here. I missed the first episode but I managed to catch the rerun during the following week.
4 - Really annoying fucking work on the comic with Dimitri. Motherfucker just does not have any clue about anything pertaining to the comics medium. Just assumes everything is as he imagines it to be and doesn't want to hear the contrary.
After that abismal day I came home to discover that my lovely lawn, which for the past few weeks seemed to resemble something closer to a mesquite brush, had been mowed.
And what did I have to look forward to on TV after such a shitty day? The premier of the Sarah Silverman Program.
In the words of Dr.Smith from Lost In Space "Oh the pain, the pain, the pain of it all!"
5 - Got Chaos and Co. on FF12. BOOYAH! 4 Fucking sidequests and 3 boss fights to get him but his ass is mine. That makes all 13 Espers. Now I just have to beat that damn 50,000,000+ HP dragon Yiazmat and the game is done. *whimpers*
6 - Marsha came by to visit SWC. Pretty normal day really. She had to take off early cuz she had school in the evening. Still, I made the best of the time we had together. I always love hanging out with her. ^_^
7 - Saw Juno. Already posted about this.
8 - Super Saturday! Just a Power Rangers marathon all day long. It was well into the day before it finished and I just hadn't even bothered to get out of my pajamas. In other words, it was like any other day but with more Power Rangers.
11 - For those of you lucky enough to have forgotten, this was the day Alison sent out topless pics of herself to certain individuals who had, for one reason or another, angered God and/or Satan. I was excempt, thankfully. I did not have to suffer trough the hellish torture of seeing her exposed udders.
Eri made a cameo appearence at the student center and we all discussed it.
Dimitri took me and Ashe to one of his friend's house for a bit and we played Smash Bros. Finally a Smash Bros. game that I don't hate. I admit that it is entirely due to the fact that you can do finishing moves now. The point is I liked it.
Ashe and I discussed spinach pie. When we ordered pizza I explained to them why it's wrong to tip the pizza guy. It's just not right, damn it! I wonder how Dimitri started talking to him about UFC. Hmmm.
13 - On the way to school I ran into Ashe at the border. We took the trolley to school together and I got to see an oral contraceptive in real life. Then we started talking about Oprah and scones...yeah.
Janis had a little time to kill between classes so she invited me and one of the twins to her house to play Smash Bros. And let me tell you something: That was some damn good mango iced tea.
Before heading back home I had to go by Target to get my mom a phone card and an icee for myself. I ran into a friend from high scool who had informed me that this one guy I used to hang out with a lot(but always considered to be an inmature dumbass) was getting sued for sexual harrasment. And let me tell you something: That was the best icee I had ever tasted. That bit of info made a blue a flavor?...who gives a fuck, it tasted sweeter is what I'm saying.
14 - Happy Pie Day. Get it? March 14? 3,14? Pi Day? *crickets*
15 - It rained again on this lone, solitary spring afternoon.
17 - The Big Bang Theory survived the writer's strike and came back a swingin'!
20 - My uncle Oscar passed away. It was really sad, he was a diabetic and one morning he was out working on his car and just dropped right in front of the house. I don't remember what the exact cause was, maybe a diabetic coma.
22 - My mom and I saw There Will Be Blood. I honestly think it was the best movie I saw all year. Daniel Day Lewis gave one amazing fucking performance.
In the evening we went by my aunt Elena's house to pay our respects. Uncle Oscar had been living with her since I was a kid and now my uncle Javier moved in to help her out. She has too many health problems to be by herself these days.
25 - Hung out with Andres and Marsha at SWC. Just like last time, made the most of it until Marsha had to leave for school.
I stopped by Fato's house just to hang out for a while(and to get my mind off the fact that I was missing Wrestlemania for like the billionth time) and ended up kicking everybody's asses at Smash Bros. with Luigi. Nothing feels better than beating a child at something that they have no chance of beating you in.
26 - Bee Day! YAY! No wait, this day sucked balls. The living room was infested with what seemed to be a plague of bees of biblical proportions. My mom and I went trough 2 whole cans or Raid. By the end of the afternoon we were sweeping up literally thousands of dead bees in the living room, chimnea and near the front door.
27 - Boring Day! YAY! NO wait, this day sucked balls too. What the fuck is up with having a day where my house is infested with bees followed by a day that is too dull for words? I guess since I never had to endure the horror that was topless pics of Alison, the universe had to get me one way or another.
29 - Uncle Oscar's funeral. I was pissed that not everyone went. I mean, I was really pissed off. If that wasn't enough, my aunt Roxana had the nerve to talk badly about him. That fucking cunt! She is the definition of that word. The day she dies, I'm gonna call her a cunt right in the fucking church.
I wanted to forget about the bitch so I went over to Fato's for more Smash Bros. We played for a while then got a late dinner at Subway.
There was this pic of my uncle Oscar in one of his old photo boxes that I really liked. He had funky hair and sideburns like mine. He was actually about my age in the pic. I wish I had kept it.
Anyway, sorry to bring up bad memories about Alison udders.
- Aramis