Nov 07, 2008 22:25
Orkney Brewery -Skullsplitter
This is a dark Scottish Ale, with a slightly sweet and bitter taste, kind like burnt grapenuts. This brew would be something that I think I would drink if I liked dark beers, but being I really don’t like beer in general that’s not going to happen. It’s not as smooth as Guinness but also lacks the oily after taste that Guinness has.
The $3.40 per bottle price for this import make it one for the beer coinsurers with deeper pockets. Which is slightly offset compared to some other high priced brews by a 8.5% alc/vol which is common for better imports but high for most domestics. The frat boys will find themselves under the pool table quick with this even if the belches rattle the rafters.
As mentioned above this one won’t be hitting my pantry, unless one of the friends reads this and brings it over on their own.