SO. I ish proud of myself. Yes, yes I am.
An' it has ta do with....the epicness tha' is "2012".
Okay, so....I cry really easily in film/books/etc. takes nuthin', an' I'll be in tears.
Fer example: A couple months ago, I had a perfectly good day. I watched "The Last Unicorn".
...I cried FOUR different times!!!
Yesterday? I'd been rather depressed.
If ya've read my previous journal entry, ya'll know why.
We - my dad an' I - went ta see "2012" last night. Almost the entire film was EXTREMELY depressin'.
....I didn't cry ONCE.
Didn't even tear up.
-is proud of herself...yet slightly afraid-
The film itself, though?
It was really fuckin' GOOD. 8D
The SFX (special effects, fer those who ain't film-tards like me, or knowledgeable in film terminology) were some of the best I've ever seen.
The characters were quite humorous, yet realistic. An' a lot of 'em did things ya'd have never expected from them.
There were so many touching, heart-wrenchin' scenes (I'm STILL in utter disbelief tha' I never cried. o.0 ).
It had one of the BEST car-scenes I've ever' it WASN'T EVEN A CHASE!!!!! O___|||
It was really long, but it was put tagether in a way tha' made it seem perfect. In other words, it didn't feel like it was too long. Nor did it feel too short - a problem I have with a LOT of good films.
All in all, I'mma have no choice but ta give this one a 10.
If ya haven't seen it yet..........DOOO EEEET. DO EET NAO.
Aaaaaan'......I'm bored outta my mind. x.x