I'm...alive? xD

Nov 29, 2009 22:23

SO. I'm alive.
Are ya surprised?
I am...sorta....maybe...a bit?
In any case....sorry I haven't been postin' on LJ...in a very long time. Had a lotta shit goin' on lately, an' well.....my motivation sorta flew out the window fer a bit. Sad, I know, right?
But....I'm back. An' I'mma try ta be active on here again, so...yeh.

My dear friend Mandy (Harmony283) tagged me. It's an OC quiz. I told her I'd only ever done one...sorta.....an' well, she was kinda ashamed, I think. So she tagged me.

1) First list all your OCs by first name so we can see your list of all your wonderful OCs:

2) Who is your favorite OC?
Hazel. He's so cuuuutte~!!
An' prolly the most fun chara ta roleplay as.

3) Who is your least favorite?
Kyone. She's an uneventful biatch. And she only gives someone the time of day unless she has nothing else to do, or if they force her. Her ability to be sarcastic regardless of subject, however, amuses me ta no end.

4) Who is your most developed?
Uhm....honestly, I'd hafta say Hazel, again. He's got the most developed/detailed back-story, and I've played him so much, I know his personality as well as my own. I can easily think "What would Hazel do/say here?", or "How would Hazel react to this?" and I'll know immediately. xD

5) Which OC would you want to date if they magically came to life?
Josephine Kempry.
She's fuckin' hot. Plus, she's my...only seme chara. B'sides Shiki, who is a MAN. -yuck-

6) How many girl OCs do you have? Boy OCs? It OCs?
Uhm....five girls. Nine boys.
......no 'its'.
....................yet. 8D

7) If you were stuck in a burning building what do you think the third OC on your list would do?
Uhm.....she prolly woulda been the one ta set the fire..... -shifty eyes-
So...she'd be laughin'. Then she'd save me at the last minute.
......if I didn't die of a heart-attack first.
-is terribly afraid of fire, fer a reason-

8) Name one thing you regret about one of your OCs.
Shiki-sama is straight. //cry//

9) Which of your OCs do you think would make the best father/mother/it parent out of all your OCs and why?
Uhm....Kai. Definitely Kai.
Not only is he my sweetest/most innocent chara, but....he's a full-blooded Angel. x3

10) Which of your OCs do you think will most likely be put in jail?
Uhm....well, shit. The only ones with the personalities/recklessness ta git themselves in jail....can't be jailed.
Jo(sephine) is dead. Killed herself b'fore she could git inta too much trouble. (It was romantic, really~ -sigh-)
Shiki is, well...he's the bloody King, fer cryin' out loud. xD

11) The eighth of your OCs was put into the future! What will their job be?!?
Iieill? Oh...oh geeze, uhm..... Honestly? I think he's too irritatin', mentally unstable -cough-, an' sexy ta be anythin' but a prostitute. xD
Plus...there's the tiny lil' fact tha' he's not human......

12) Name the first OCs catch phrase! (if they don’t have one just make one up)
Xerys: "Brother, you can kill me after you're out of danger. I won't let you murder me in public, where you could get into trouble. As long as I'm in the picture, you're staying alive. Then, if you actually manage to go through with killing me this time, you can go die, alone, however you please. But I'm going to haunt you until that happens, and when the time comes, I'm going to be a stubborn little bitch about it."
Yes. He actually says tha' in the roleplay he's from.
(An' yes, he's gittin' fucked by his older, evil/slightly psychotic brother~ <3 )

13) Do all your OCs live together or are they separated?
Hazel, Kai, an' Tsukiyomi are from the same universe.
Jo an' Gwenevere, also.
As well as Kaito an' Shiki-sama.
...but....no one lives tagether. Unless ya count Kaito livin' in Shiki's palace.

14) Are there any pairings that are in your OC list?
Josephine an' Gwenevere.

Where there's Tension:
Jo an' Gwen. At first. When a drunken human-Josephine tries ta kiss a ghost-Gwenevere. xD

Jo an' Gwen started out this way, until it became official....in a very, very...odd way. -blink-

15) Your seventh OC switched bodies with you for a day! How will they react at the end of the day?
Uhm...Liam? He would cry, b'cuz he couldn't make-out with his boyfriend all day. (Adam wouldn't want ta make-out with a chick. xD )

16) Your last OC just became a fifteen year old. What do they do?
Kai? Oh shit, what /did/ he do on his 15th birthday...? Damnit, it was only a year ago... >.<
He spent all day at the arcade. ALL. DAY. His mom gave him shitloads of cash~
Then tha' night, b'fore he went home, he went ta the spa with his best friend/sister figure.

17) Now randomly select a person on your OC list. Who was it?
Iieill~ -loves him-

18) That OC you just chose? Yeah, they think they're superman (even if they are a girl), and are on the roof, about to jump off.
Uhm.....well, I can't see someone with such low self-esteem thinkin' they were Superman...but then again, he does b'lieve his cat is "God", so.....uhm.....
He jumps, an' breaks his leg, hence being convinced that "God" hates him? xD

19) Are any of your OCs bored of this meme?
Uhm...actually, all of 'em.
'Cept fer Kai (thinks it's cute), Iieill (is almost always too hyper ta git bored), an' Lii (....ya can't feel boredom if yer already asleep, right? xD).

20) Would your second OC prefer the beach or the mountains?
Hazel lives in the mountains. The man he's in love with lives in the mountains. Hazel likes the mountains.

21) Would your tenth OC battle a shark?
Gwenevere? Uhm....no. Maybe if she were alive, she would try ta, but....

22) Which OCs hate each other?
Kaito an' Shiki-sama. Shiki-sama is courting Kaito's younger sister. Tha's all the reason she needs ta make his life Hell. xD

23) Which OC did you create first? And last?
Uhm....Lii is the first one, an' Bastiam (<3 ) is the most recent.

25) And if those two were fighting, who would win?
Uhm...oh dear, this could be disasterous. They're both...very similar. 'Cept Lii is very loud-angry, an' Bastiam, well...when he's in a toght spot, he kinda jus'......goes silent, an' jus'.....lets what happens happen. So...this is tough.
Ususally Bastiam wouldn't fight back, but Lii ain't as strong as him, an' has no fightin' experience. So..in this case, Bastiam would fight, an' he'd win, hands down. He wouldn't want ta hurt the other boy, though....

26) Are your OCs fat or skinny?
Uhm...they're mostly pretty skinny, or average. Kyone barely has any shape at all, an' Shiki is very athletic...an' muscular... But none of 'em are 'fat', no.

27) What are your first 2 OC's favorite foods?
Xerys is a vegetarian. He's also a bit of a tofu-whore... (So am I. xD )
Hazel? Well....YOU try takin' his beef-jerky away, an' see what happens. If ya still got eyes after, tha' is. xD

28) Tag three or more people: Do it or don't.
Uhm....I'unno if they even read my journals (or will, now tha' I've been gone fer so damn long, but...), uhm....

quiz, tired, character, thingy, oc, tagged, bored, i'm back, original, alive, hungry

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