I had a pretty crappy day today, but learned some important lessons & have some plans to improve my game.
Still feeling bad about not being prepared in the slightest for Naxx last night, I didn't log on til very late in the day, and then just hung around SW levelling my professions. Until a guildie asked me to come heal heroic Occulus. Stupidly I agreed to go. There was some kind of comment about me from another guildie in the group which I assumed referred to my bad performance in Naxx, so I already had a bit of nervous tension going when the run started. As we were clearing to the first boss, I started thinking that I wouldn't be able to do this. I died once on the trash, which wasn't a good sign, and I was having major issues keeping up with healing the tank (let alone everyone else). I thought at first that it was because I was getting some lag, as well as the fact that I was feeling sluggish and down about my healing, but on the first boss it became painfully clear that I was far, far too undergeared for this. I just could not keep up with healing the tank, as well as the rest of the party - I was working my ass off, but my heals just weren't cutting it. The rest of the party could plainly see that I was doing terribly, and after several wipes I told them to find another healer because I just couldn't do it. The most embarrassing thing was the fact that they (two of them anyways) began talking down to me at this point, suggesting ridiculously easy things for me to go do & implying that I was a bad healer, rather than undergeared. I got the feeling that they did this rather than the jocular poking-fun that they usually do with other guildies, because I'm a girl. That's the impression I got anyway. It made me feel pretty fucking crap.
I logged for a while to do RL stuff, then later put myself on DND and headed over to Icecrown to quest. Someone on
wow_ladies mentioned a good quest reward from the "ring of blood type event" in Icecrown, that apparently replaced some of their t6 gear. I did some research and found the quest chain I needed to do to get this, and spent a couple of hours working through it. I got a fair way through the chain before shutdown. I quite like Icecrown, but man I have decided that I *hate* questing as deep holy. Tomorrow I plan to respec deep disc - I really don't care if Twelve wants me to be deep disc or not. As far as I know there are no other deep disc priests in the guild, so maybe I'll be useful. CoH has not lived up to my expectations, so I'm not fussed about losing it. I really did enjoy being disc while levelling and got used to it.. so I'm looking forward to the respec. I just hope that I'll still be able to heal 5-mans effectively. I don't really see why I shouldn't be able to though.
So my plan for tomorrow is.. respec deep disc, finish the quest chain in Icecrown, level professions a little more. And then in the evening maybe find a group for heroic Nexus (there's a mace I want from there) or a group for one of the higher level or level 80 normal instances. Trying to do Naxx & heroic Occulus right after hitting 80 was a stupid mistake. My brother told me afterwards that h Occulus is supposed to be the hardest heroic. -_- I think I got duped by everyone in the guild going on about how the game has been so nerfed, and everything at 80 is supposedly so easy.