I have been doing some reading, and discussing CoH with the wonderful people over at
wow_ladies, and have learned some things.
1. Minimum recommended spellpower for Naxx is ~1500. Mine is just scraping 1200.
2. The boss we were doing in Naxx, Patchwerk, is a gear check boss. He hits the person with the highest hp who is not the main tank.. i.e., that offtank I was supposed to heal. Not so stupid after all that I mentioned that the other two healers are better than me. I knew that DK was losing hp much faster than an offtank normally would.
3. CoH should only be used if the tanks are stable, and if there are 3-5 people in my vicinity who need healing. CoH spam will just run me out of mana. Rotation otherwise should be PoM every cooldown, keep renews up, and keep tank shielded, with flash & greater heals my primary spells. I was doing this anyway, with the exception of shielding the tank.. need to figure out where I can work that into my healbot clicks.
4. My talent build is crappy. DS is not relevant anymore, because it has been made obsolete by a shaman totem. I should respec deep holy if I want CoH.
5. Deep disc is a viable raiding spec now. I should discuss with Twelve whether they want me deep disc or deep holy.
6. I should stop levelling my enchanting on my own gear, and make sure I have proper enchants before I attempt raiding.
so yeh, I feel a bit more confident now.