Soooo, I'm entering the home stretch on my Delightful Experience here at Super Awesome Training School (my sarcasm whenever I say that varies by the day), which means that the next two weeks are going to be full of STRESS and three different, very important tests.
And what sucks more is that all I can think of is writing my fanfic for
avatarbigbang. I guess I can pretend it's stress relief or... something, uh, PC like that.
Yeah, no, it's just porn. Filthy porn. Threesome porn, no less. Okay, it might be porn; I'm still deciding.
In any case, I'm incredibly excited to be going to Texas and Minnesota during May, because I need a break and it's been way too long since I've seen my friends and family. ♥ Also, as lovely a place to visit as Monterey really is, I'm fucking sick of it by now, and I'm ready to move to Hawaii.
Yeah, Hawaii. My life = v. difficult, clearly.
In any case, wish me luck! in both the testing and the porn writing, plzkthx. :)