Oct 17, 2009 14:03
I'm workin'! At Mix 100! ...pushing buttons. Oh, well. If it works out, it works out. If not, something better will come along eventually.
I'm trying to figure out what I want to be for Halloween. My favorite idea so far is Sherlock Holmes....but where on earth am I gonna get a hat that awesome?...
...pardon me while I go check ebay.
Huh. Vintage and not that expensive, when you really think about it. I'd wear that thing everywhere, I'd wager.
I could also be a unicorn. Which would be ridiculous, but fun. I'm not skinny enough to go as a female superhero or a Final Fantasy character, which is my basic fallback. The last really good Halloween costume I did was when I was Robin Hood a few years ago. Disney's fox Robin Hood, too. My makeup was pretty good. Costume itself...not all that amazing. And before that, I did Vincent (which was hot and kind of creepy) and a really good Peter Pan, and way back there was that awesome comic Rogue thing. But it's been a while since I really put anything into it.
Me and the Metropo-boys always talked about doing the whole Sandman thing...where we'd all be the Endless. MJ was either Desire or Dream, and Tiger was (perfectly) Destruction, and Gert was Death, and I was Delerium. And who the hell was Jas gonna be? I always associate him with Destruction, but I'm pretty sure we decided Tiger was best for the part. They're pretty much all out of town now. We never figured out all the specifics, but I remember being really excited about it. And it just wouldn't be any fun if seven people weren't involved.
We, the Avengers Three!
There's something so fun about going as a group, too. Like when we all did X-Men. That was pretty much amazing. I was Rogue, and then we had Wolverine, Beast, Nightcrawler, Gambit, Phoenix...anybody else? I don't remember. But it was so much fun. I love Halloween. I haven't really gotten to celebrate it in the last two years. in '07, we were too busy fixing up the Bright House. In '08, we were too busy RUNNING the Bright House. Now, we're busy as all hell fixing up our newest stupid house. But I don't want to miss it this year.
I miss the old KTXT Halloween parties, too. They were incredible. Nobody has parties like that any more. The Bright House shows were great, but they had a different purpose and were relatively tame because of it. Now, Moontower parties...THOSE were the parties. Those were the parties you dreamed about going to when you thought of going off to college. Raucous, wild debauchery. Good stuff. So, should we find a good party to go to, or should we just host our own and hope everything works out okay? The only people that really come over to our new house are the high school kids, and I don't really want to have underage drinking on my hands. UUGGHHH sometimes I feel like we dont' have any friends. I don't like being the oldest one. I want to be the kid, and I always thrive when it's okay if I'm wide-eyed and overexcited. Not to mention that I don't want to be the responsible one.
I miss those old hootenannies where it was wild and crowded all night until the crowd started dwindling off, and then there would be the handful of us left. The friends. That was nice.
No, we still have great friends here in Lubbock. Caven is one of them. And he's always around...which is immensely comforting. It's great to have those friends who don't really know what the plan is but are there anyway, fun or no fun. It's very SPR'05.
Okay, no being depressed or upset or anything like that. Let's be bitchy. Yeah!!!
This job (the radio job) is gettin' to me a little bit. It's not really the lack of hours, or advancement, or all that other shit...more of the fact that I'm putting a lot of care and effort into this and it doesn't mean anything. Basically what I'm getting is ten to fifteen bucks a week to disrupt what should be my days off. I need a second job, but this one doesn't give me enough time to be worth it. Might as well pick up a decent part time job elsewhere and then get an extra 20 hours a week, rather than 2. I was supposed to be able to go see Where The Wild Things Are as soon as I was done here, but now (without warning) I'm told that I need to stay late...and there go my plans for the afternoon. They've been doing that a lot, too....calling me in for noon to two, and tehn telling me (30 minutes prior) that they need me until four. I appreciate teh house, but not the trashing of my spare time.
Between me and Fiver, it's a surprise that we've been getting as much done as we have. He's studying all the time. I'm working even more. And we can barely pay bills, and I hate wanting him to bring in more money 'cause I know that his education is important and it's something I'm okay with supporting. .....but he sure as hell better do the same for me once he graduates and gets a job.
I'm really hard to deal with. I know I am. And I wish I wasn't.
Shadow hasn't talked to me recently. It's stupid that I'm so...well, STUPID about it...but I really want him around. I'm such a mess.