So I was browsing myspace when I came across a compatability meter and I thought it would be interesting to put Laura and I to the test in the friendship catagory... it came up with this...
Friendship Compatibility of Taurus with Virgo
This is a lovely friendship that affords much affection, security and happiness. You appreciate Virgo's problem-solving abilities, while the Virgin adores your gift with finances. You respect your pal's honesty and your friend reveres your loyalty. The two of you have a great appreciation for nature and may enjoy talking long walks through the park together. Eating outdoors also appeals to you, especially if you remember to take along plenty of napkins, hand sanitizer and garbage bags. (Alas, Virgo is a notorious neat freak.) Try not to get too hung up on the Virgin's fastidious ways ... after all, your pal has to put up with your stubbornness! The two of you might also have fun gardening, cooking and quilting together.
...This could NOT be more wrong. She takes care of the bills, I clean, neither one of us like being outdoors unless we have a really good reason, and we will never quilt together. If anyone knows both of us, I know you'll be laughing as hard as we were.