I do need to re-evalutated the length of time I need to get out of bed in the morning. I thought I'd need about 2 hours before my advising appointment, so I set my alarm for 8 - only to find now, 50 minutes later, I have a headache, all my documents gathered up, I'm dressed, washed and breakfasted, and have about an hour to kill.
But never mind! I'm happy today, but not quite sure why, silly mood swings like to do things like that. Last night I made more soup than I can drink in a week with ingredients my mother brought down when she came visiting, so my housemates are going to get free lentil soup as and when they wish. I've even converted Rich to liking it, despite knowing the number of vegtables in it, and even though he keeps demanding he needs french bread with it, he'll drink it.
Illness, with freshers flu, has made me a little odd recently. My housemates look on in wonder as I quickly switch between too hot and too cold and then just right for all of about 5 seconds. My handbag now has a full complement of Aldi painkillers for the various headaches that occur.
Tonight is the long dreaded awaited Cheese night at our house, with 80s and 90s music being played, and most guests hopefully bringing some cheese and/or wine. I'm glad I have a large block of tesco value cheedar and two bottles of quite decent wine, red and white. However I'm still not sure if I'll drink - I gave up alcohol for a week, just because I realised how expensive freshers week was going to be if I didn't, and that worked out well other than I felt a little left out occasionally. Tonight I'm supposed to be at least tipsy, otherwise, apparently, I won't dance.
Wednesday saw Inklight day. For those of you who don't know, Inklight is the creative writing society of St Andrews University, which I was encouraged to join by Rich at the start of last year and only got dragged deeper in since. I'm now a member of the executive committee, ranking higher than him, and happily sitting quietly in the corners of meeting before saying "How much do you think this will cost?", "We can probably afford that", and "Oh my goodness, you're all mad, aren't you?". Anyway, Inklight day was a whole day event with various things happening - a walking poetry tour of St Andrews, a picnic lunch, various workshops in the afternoon and of course the obligatory social. I'm rather proud that I was asked to be someone's mother at the lunch, although I had to decline - I had a feeling that if I said yes, someone was going to throw me off the pier.
Oh and I've bought fantastic shoes - only £14 for 2 pairs, which I thought was pretty amazing, since they're the most comfortable high heels I've ever worn and they're bright pink and yellow!!
Anyway, I'm going to look at modules again, because I keep feeling like there's something I haven't done...also I've written a nice long essay for your pages. I think I'll make a cut...