Sep 25, 2008 23:41
So I go to BP and they have the night window open and I am standing in line behind 4 faux thugs and 1 very blonde (and if I say very blonde you know its very blonde) girlfriend-type. The oldest looking (gray hair) G starts to hand a cigarillo to the blonde and she refuses to hold it saying "I can't there is a cop right there". (Meaning: She was less then 18 years old).
I start giggling because I can't help it. They notice and 2 of the Faux G's start commenting on the immensity of my bosom saying things like "fake" and "nice scenery". I was either to shocked that they knew the word "scenery" or I knew that fighting back would result in the <18 year old girl trying to bring me to some gangsta blows in the parking lot. I have never had much interest in going to prison so I stood silent. They noticed the cop had rolled out and the "coast was clear". They walked away with 4 cigarillos (and for those of you not in the know those are commonly used by G's and faux G's to roll marijuana in) and some beer. They drive away in their Lincoln Cliche.
I pull out very shortly after them, as I did not make a big production of my purchase. And before I could pull out SHOOOOOOOM, the cop flies by me. I pull out and the cop flips his lights on in front of me. As I change lanes to pass the cop and his pulled over prey I notice a very blonde head in the backseat.
So lets see:
1. Minor
2. Probable Marijuana possession
3. Even more probable short life expectancies.
Har. Har.