Medical History

Dec 31, 2006 00:45

Tabula Rasa Medical History

Name: Pamela BeeslyHalpert
Gender: Female
Age, or approximate age of human body: 27
Length of time on island (in months): 10 months, three days
Date and Place of Origin: February, 2006 Scranton, PA
Were you human before coming to TR: Yes

Living Situation
Where on the island do you live? A large-ish hut in Green Arrow Estates.
Number of roommates: one
Do you live with children under the age of 18: No

General Health
Do you consider yourself healthy now: For the most part.
What, if any, medications did you take regularly before coming to Tabula Rasa: Birth control.
Are you allergic to any medications: None known
Have you experienced any new health problems since arriving? If so, please describe: Does pregnancy count? It's not really a problem, perse.
When was your last tetanus shot? No idea. Possibly within the last six years?
Were you vaccinated for smallpox as a child? Yes.
What is your blood type, if known: Don't know
Have you had any of the following:
Rheumatic fever
Rubella (German measles)
Scarlet fever
Whooping cough
Yellow fever
Chicken pox

If you contracted other diseases before arriving, that are not on this list, please list them, and their symptoms: N/A
To the best of your knowledge, have you ever been exposed to any of the following:
Herpes Simplex 1 (cold sores)
Herpes Simplex 2 (genital herpes)
Human Papilloma Virus
Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV),
Are there other health conditions that you want the clinic staff to know about? Currently two months pregnant

For Those Who Can Bear Children
Are you currently pregnant (if so, when are you due): Yes. Late July, early August.
Date of your last menstrual period if known: Mid-October
List any previous -pregnancies, and the approximate date(s): None
Do you have children, either on the island or not, if so, list their ages: No
Have you miscarried, aborted a pregnancy, or had a still birth? If so, list date(s): No
What birth control methods have you used in the past, and currently: Previously used hormonal birth control, then condoms on island. Currently not using.

Family History
Do you have any blood relatives here, if yes, list names: No
Do any of the following run in your immediate family (mother, father, sisters, brothers):
Heart attack
High blood pressure
Low blood pressure
Anemia (iron deficiency or other):
Congenital heart defect

Do you smoke: No
Tobacco, or marijuana: N/A
If yes, how often: N/A
Do you drink alcohol? Yes
If yes, how much: Socially, but not since finding out about the pregnancy
Do you drink caffinated beverages such as coffee or tea? Tea
If yes, how much: Upwards of five cups a day.

Mental Health
Have you experienced a serious head injury, either on the island or before: No
Have you been treated for depression with medication or herbs: No
Have you experienced manic episodes: No
Have you had unexplained mood swings: Yes (During pregnancy)
Have you been diagnosed with serious mental illness, such as schizophrenia, multiple personality disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or psychosis: No

medical history

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