Jan 27, 2010 11:48
Monday we had a growth ultrasound, a meeting with the maternal fetal medicine specialist, and a non-stress test. The non-stress test was absolutely fine. The ultrasound was also mostly okay - they think the baby is about 8lbs now (give or take 15%), but there was some indications of a diabetic growth pattern, where the abdomen was larger, proportionally, than the rest of the baby. Given how good I've been doing the past several weeks on controlling my blood sugar, I can only hope this is legacy from before we got it completely under control. The maternal fetal medicine specialist said that due to that and also due to the heparin, I should talk with my doctor about inducing early, at 39 weeks. That would be in about 1.5 weeks. But induction would bring about a greater risk of c-section. But we don't want the baby to get too big for the placenta... *sigh* I will have a long discussion with my OB about it tomorrow morning, and probably with the Doula when she comes over tonight. But overall things are going fine.
As far as our house goes - great turn out at the open house on Sunday, but still no offers. :-( Our realtor suggested a 10K price reduction. It's only been on the market for about 3 weeks, I don't know if we're ready to do that yet... I just know I'm tired of waiting!