(no subject)

Mar 09, 2009 20:22

Since I haven't updated in forever, I decided to take a few minutes to catch up on stuff. Chris had a Forest of Doors event this past weekend, and apparently the LARP went smashingly. Chris and I have a rule where he doesn't discuss too many details about the LARP, and I don't die of boredom. :D

It was Satan's (aka his mother) birthday this weekend, and we took her out to Fire of Brazil for dinner. I've got to say, it was not the best Brazilian steakhouse I've ever been to. The salad bar was a little too heavy, and the meat selection was just meh. Also, after swearing to me that he would beat his mom to our house, she got there first. Chris is now the deadest man in Deadonia.

Since Mat is finally six months, we decided to try him on some solids. We're doing baby-led weaning because I have a violent hatred of purees and rice cereal kind of tastes like butt. So far, he's had bananas (he likes them), sweet potatoes (they were also good), avocado (he looked at me like, "Woman! What the hell is this shit?!" and kept ducking his head away), and mango (he seemed okay with it). I did let him try a spoonful of sweet potato at a baby fair we went to, which ended up on him, me, his clothes, my clothes, and in my hair. Yeah, purees are the devil.

I also got a huge bug up my butt, and decided to prune the bejesus out of the holly trees in the back yard. They were more like aggressive bushes, and now they resemble trees again. I'm so proud.

house, larping, nerd, baby pictures, family, geek

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