Mar 11, 2008 09:18
*sticks head out of ground*
*sniffs air, widens eyes to bright morning world outside*
(fluffy tweeting happy cartoon music inserted here, perhaps with occasional bird chirping)
Could it be ...Spring????
Yes! Yes! . . . um . . .
*notices that still-wet hair has begun to freeze, and now is frozen*
Mmm. No, not quite Spring.
Spring has not Sprung.
But it's on it's way!
Even though I HATE Daylight Savings Time with a passion (Hey, I grew up in Arizona, where we didn't waste our sanity with such pesky annoyances), I have to say I was DELIGHTED yesterday, that even though I didn't get out of work til 6:20pm (hey, 50 hour workweeks are normal, right? ha), the light was still out! I was charmed.
(However I must interject that Sunday was a rude awakening of DST stealing an hour of my precious sleep-life away from me. I'm desperately low on free time, working two jobs at the moment, 7 days a week, approximately 65 hours a week. It was not a pleasant feeling to groggily wake up to my ringing phone and maintenance guy knocking on my door to let me know I was already late for my agent meeting. Pffffffft. Never work on Sundays, if possible, cuz then DST will bite you in the ass one of these years. ;) ).
On the positive side, once every seven or so years, I have the pleasure of receiving the loaned-back hour of DST back on my plate for my birthday. An extra hour of birthday partying! :) . . . Let's just hope they don't change that timing, too!