AWESOME-EST NEWS EVAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . . . (for me at least)

Jan 24, 2008 22:31

So my tried-and-true cohenite buddy forwarded THIS to me yesterday:

and confirming with the official fan site. . .

It checks out!!!

. . . I remember the day more than eight years ago chatting with my cohenite friend in the early stages of our friendship, that the ONE insane expenditure that I would ever make in paying outrageous concert ticket prices and equally ludicrous (yes, ludicrous, you spaceball) airline ticket fare would be for the chance to see a Leonard Cohen concert LIVE.

It's the man's first show in over fifteen years! Holy hell, I thought it'd never come!!! The only fan conventions (aside from a few Star Trek ones in my misty past) I've graced were ones in NYC and Hydra, Greece. . . both for Cohen. I missed the '06 Berlin one and will miss the '08 Alberta, CA one, both due to already lagging (ex) student-fare hardships. But I brightly and boldly look forward to the 2010 one in KRAKOW, Poland!

SIDE NOTE: (I visited Poland for a week and a half early last autumn. . . and it was BEAUTIFUL! Prices are still great {it's eastern Europe, and they haven't switched to the Euro yet}, nature/climate is GORGEOUS, and they love Americans {no snooty French here!}. Krakow was in the heart of all this beauty, I was so charmed and promised myself a return visit).

Anyways, seeing as the Krakow-Cohen fan festival is still a few years away, in the meantime I'm BEYOND thrilled about the live concert! No one knows exactly where and when it will be til sometime February. . . but I promised myself I'd lay down some serious cash for an opportunity to see a show. You know, there's always that one thing you'd buy beyond all reason that is completely unexplainable to others, except that you're just nuts about it. . . Be it, a Z-28 car, a 60 inch plasma tv, a $3500 stolen Confederate Army belt buckle, entire season of the O.C. boxed DVD set, socks for your cat. . . or means to get to a Cohen show. ;)

So it sucks that right now I still am unemployed, with cash drainage . . . Day 7 and counting (not counting weekends). The job that I seem totally slotted for last week is playing a sort of, well, sorting game. I was told they still had interviews as of Monday this week and were undecided, and so my recruiter plays the waiting game. Then, after an initial poorly-done Tuesday phone interview for another position (I'm quickly discovering that I suck at phone interviews, I go into "you know" hiccupish fits), where upon I was promised an in-person interview which still has me waiting, I decided to go fishing again, casting out the net of cover letters and resumes to posted ads, and seeing what comes back. Le sigh. But! Have no fear in the gloom and doom of cold, dark Chicago days! I am going to Phoenix for my pre-scheduled trip to bask in the warm warm warm Phoenician sun! And with my mum for her birthday!

And then there's this Cohen concert this summer! By the gods all mighty, I *will* make the concert, and for once I will not let money get in the way! :)

And I got a haircut tonight by this AWESOME older, friendly Latina stylist at my local Hair Cuttery. We chatted about cities and communities, which made my lil' urban-planning-head all warm and fuzzy.

How can I not be happy? :)


krakow, job, concert, urban planning, poland, hair cuttery, phone interview, emilia, interview, cohen, cohenite

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