Budget cuts: making them more real?

Oct 24, 2010 19:47

I've been listening to all the talk about the cuts recently, and hearing the various ways it's going to screw over various people I know. I've just had a quick dig through all the so far listed stuff myself, and although I agree it's a fucked-up situation and I'm annoyed that I indirectly voted for this, I'm not seeing much that'll hit me. I'm seeing a rise in tube fares, possibly a bit more tax, but not much else. This is partially due to getting out of academia at what turns out to be pretty much exactly the right time, but my other things of a financial nature are also generally in the best state they've ever been, which is a big insulating factor here.

Net result is that this all feels a little distant. It'll probably feel less so once I actually see all this kicking in and the consequences hit my friends, but for the moment it all seems unreal, and that's what I'm wondering about. If it seems unreal for me, given I'm listening to various folks and hearing about what this will do to them, how does it feel to others without that level of political interest/social groupings? More importantly, how can it be made to feel more real (short of a coup d'etat and rewriting of the budget) so maybe we get more people annoyed and possibly shame the Tories out of a bit more of this crap and/or make sure the fuckers don't get back in next time?

Ideas anyone?
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