Mixed day: good bits, bad bits

Sep 30, 2010 21:25

Today has been a day of ups and downs:

Up: The day started *very* well. Somewhat earlier than I might otherwise pick, but good nonetheless (Cryptic? Moi?)

Down: I then later went to the dentist to have a tooth removed, as it has a dental abscess. This has been bugging me for several weeks, and I was hoping to get this dealt with today. However, I was really very nervous about this, which appears to have been non-helpful. Said tooth is quite far back in my mouth, and turns out to have really big roots. This results in the dentist doing everything she bloody can to try and get it out, but the sheer levels of pressure and tugging are overriding my ability to cope, and the attempt ends up having to be abandoned :( I'm now getting referred to another clinic for sedation in the hope that this is able to dampen down my terror for long enough to get the blasted thing out...

Up: We'd finished most of the work that needed doing for various clients for the moment, and I instead got to spend some time late this afternoon fixing/upgrading our music jukebox (which got slightly broken by recent infrastructure upgrades). This means I finally got around to adding the Last.fm submitter I wrote when first starting with LShift (in Erlang no less) to the running jukebox :) There's an annoying bug where it only submits tracks it's previously cached, but otherwise all is fine...

Down: BT, being the wunch of bankers they have the well deserved reputation for being, will not let you get a phone line without their "Unlimited Weekend and Evening plan" for the first year. Given I only want the bloody thing for the purposes of ADSL, this is somewhat annoying. Admittedly, it's free for that first year, but then (as has occurred now) they keep you on the sodding thing and I need to yell at them and tell them to not do this. I'm on hold now with them right now, and the repeated attempts to get me to use their self-help thing on their website (which I doubt has "we're a bunch of money-grabbing fuckwits the Ferengi would be jealous of and we have stolen too much of your money" as an option in their list of FAQs) are getting irritating.
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