Hey~ babeh~!

Sep 12, 2009 21:18

It's picture time~!

Now all of these were taken with my phone so you have to excuse the crappiness. ^_^;;;

This is the waiting area at Shangri-La. Every morning I work, I have to clean that antique table you see and those chairs.  Not hard to do at all and I really love working here.

I don't know what possessed Mizuki to crawl in there, but she did.  I ended up holding on to the package for her a little while but it has since been thown away.

These are the stairs I keep falling down since coming back here.  What really sucked was the day I fell into the shoe rack bounced off of it and hit the mail rack then slid down the second set.  Yeah..... I dunno how I did it either.  Notice something wrong with that last post for the railing?

You guessed it.  It's broken and has been for a while now.  I've lost count of how many times I've scratched myself on this thing.  Nothing new though.  I'm a hazard to myself.

The meat of my dinner at Mikoto's one night just before closing.  Had it with nishiki rice, fermented sesame leaves, kimchi, and sriracha sauce.

Thus concludes my pic post.  Until next time...

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