Sho Fanfic preview

Jun 21, 2009 20:06

This is a Shinjo Sho Fanfic I'm working on. I'm not completely settled with it but I love this opening so I'm keeping it!!!   D:<

Will definitely get another edit when I finish the whole thing.

Shinjo Sho...  My dearest Sho... What have I done to you?

It would be easier for the both of us if I could have hated you...

If I had been the one to kill you and I destroyed the Byakko...

But at least, you wouldn’t be drowning in my sins.


“Amoh.” Sho sat up looking at the mercenary. “Amoh...” He knew that Amoh couldn‘t have gone to sleep that fast, and if he had then shame on him. “Amoh?”

“Yes.” Amoh didn’t bother to open his eyes laying stiff as granite on the thin futon. He hadn’t wanted to answer but he knew if he ignored Sho, he would watch him through the night. “You know you should be sleeping, don’t you?”

“What’s the Himitsu Kessha?” Sho ignored his question, far from being ready to give in to his subtle way of demanding him to sleep.

“Why are we talking about this now?”

“Because you’re not telling me something.”

Amoh opened his eyes and turned to Sho, his own violet eyes meeting with Sho’s ruby. Those gems were full of concern  and worry with no sign of sleep behind them. “I don’t know what the organization is about.” He had been trying to figure it out but they were so damned closed off. Whoever their ‘Uranus’ was kept things closed off from outsiders. “I haven’t even decided if I want to take the offer.”

“I don’t want you to.”

“It could be the only way to discover what they are up to.” Amoh sat up, unable to stand lounging while Sho was still up. “Come on now... you need sleep.”

“Then let me help you.”

“You know you need to look after the boys.”

“They aren’t children anymore.”

“You know what I mean.”

“And you know what I mean.” Crawling forward Sho laid at Amoh’s side, pulling him down to the futon. “Eiji and Sho are more than capable of looking after themselves, each other, and the swords.” He hadn’t forgotten the legendary swords, Byakko and Excalibur, that each had received from Sho and Amoh respectively. “Grant me that much.”

“I wasn‘t saying you hadn‘t trained them well enough.” He threw an arm around Sho’s waist, expecting for him to growl from the implication though it never came. “Why are you letting this one bother you so much?”

“Don’t you think it odd that someone hires you to infiltrate a secret organization who then offer you a job to dispose of an assassin?”  It seemed like a set up to Sho and though amoh had walked into many and merged victorious this one felt dangerous.

“Which is why I need to figure out what it is the Himitsu Kessha want. What it is they think I have.”

“You’re a mercenary whose name is feared far and wide, maybe they want you out of the way so that they proceed with some bigger scheme without fear.”

“Then I want to know what that scheme is and what I can do to stop it.”

“By exposing yourself?” Sho sat up. “You don’t even know anything about them. No one outside of the organization knows. Why, with this job are you telling me to hold off? You let me help you with the others.”

“This one is different.” Amoh worried that perhaps the Himitsu Kessha had learned of Sho and Eiji, the last of the Yamato--keepers of the Byakko katana. He suspected the organization responsible for the brutal massacre of the Yamato clan that had left Sho in shock.

No child deserved to live through anything like that, to have to fight for their life, and in Sho’s case the life of his newly born brother. He could still remember the expression on Sho’s face when he found him caked in blood rocking his mewling brother and Byakko in his arms. It was obvious even now that Sho still retained scars from the attack.

“What’s different?” Sho snapped obviously unhappy with the quiet that settled between them.

If he told Sho, it would be dragging bad memories to the surface but if he didn’t, Sho would become upset and feel shafted. “I have reason to believe they were the ones who attacked your clan years ago...” Sho’s nails bit into his arm, a reflex that Amoh had gotten use to and easily ignored. “I’m not sure what it was they wanted... If it was Byakko or you...” He suspected it was both since Sho had survived the ordeal and even killed many of the assassins as he fled. “I will be needing you, but not now.”


“Soon enough.” Amoh sat up and kissed Sho’s brow. “Now come on, back to bed.” He lifted his blanket, tugged Sho closer into his side then shifted him to lay on his futon with him and covered them both.

“Fine.” Sho nuzzled into Amoh, finding instant comfort in his arms smothered in the spice of his skin. “I love you...”

Amoh stroked Sho’s blood-auburn locks, hugging him close. “I love you too.” He felt Sho’s head tilt back nudging at his chin, a silent request for a kiss, and with a slight smirk he shifted his head to offer his lips to the younger man.

How Sho managed to stay so sweet and loving despite it all was an amazement to Amoh. Sho possessed a frightening strength yet here, within Amoh’s arms, he was delicate and soft. For all purposes, Sho was his wife... Eiji and Kayin their sons. An awkward but complete family he wouldn’t trade for the world.

“You’ve made me soft.” He whispered against Sho’s lips.

“Only at night... only in my arms...” Sho stole a deeper kiss, savoring the unique flavor of Amoh’s lips and tongue. Rolling his bronzed lover back, Sho straddled him and slid his arms around Amoh’s neck. “Outside of us, you are still that dark and powerful warrior,” he traced his fingers over the scar that ran through Amoh’s left eye and brow. “Is it so bad that you have found a gentle hand with me? A fatherly look for Kayin and Eiji?”

“No, it’s not.” He reached up curling his fingers through Sho’s hair, stroke the silky strand again. “I want you to do me a favor.”

Sho cocked his head to the side. “What’s that?”

“Stop laying that futon out.” He motioned to the one that was meant to be Sho’s with a faint smirk. “You never use it.”

He looked to the neglected futon. “Because I’m forever crawling into yours but--”

“No buts.” He shook his head. “You belong here in my arms.”

Sho melted into Amoh and tucked his head against Amoh’s neck. “I won’t pull it out again. You have my word.”

toushinden fanfic sho

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