Sep 17, 2004 09:45
Feeling kinda shit but not in a bad way. If that makes any sense at all. I have a head ache from crying so much. Last night me and mom had a fight. I cried myself to sleep. I was ban from going tonight and sunday but the reasons were worth it i guess... i admit i was in the wrong. I wrote this letter to mom tho kinda explainging how sorry i am for stuffing up so much and that i love her. If i ever had to live with my real dad i swear i would kill myself. A friend told me ii should get to know him. How the fuck would she know? Hes made me so depressed before and now she thinks I should get to know him. I guess she just doesnt know.
Any hoo im ungrounded as always. Mom can never ground me lol. So im getting xcite about tonight. $15 is abit of a rip off considering Kiss Chasy gigs are onlee $10 usually... but meh its a night on the town :)
Me and Mandys on had an awsum work experience yesturday. It involved maccas and a box of of lollies like 30 bags.. yummm and then we went and saw my horses and yeah it was just so much fun.
dad fell thru the belcony last night lol lol. It was thru the fence thing I dotn exactly no how it happed but now our belcony is missing a fence thingo. Its funny... yes but it doesnt make sence how he could do that....
ANy hoo meeting all you beautiful people is the best thing thats ever happened to me....