Today's Summary:

Mar 19, 2010 17:38

  • Woke up and drank some hot tea and contemplated everything from French cooking to feeding a pug
  • Proceeded to drive to Wachovia to fix a mix-up with the Employment Security Commission (I had wrongly received $2,403.00 of unemployment  money during the last two months. I finally got hold of a live person and made them stop sending money to me.)   I had to withdraw the money via a money order and return it to the ESC office in person.  Weird
  • Applied for a credit card while I was at the bank
  • Thought I'd drive downtown to get some lunch but on the way I got pulled over by a highway patrolman.  I wasn't wearing my seatbelt and my tag was expired.  Stupid me...I just hadn't thought about it!  The ticket was $155.50 to be paid or contested at a court hearing at the end of April.  Ugh.
  • I then drive and renew my sticker on my tag
  • Renew my driver's license
  • Drive home, walk 1.7 miles with my aunt and her pet doggy woggy
  • Plant cannas in my flower garden (barely missing Henry with my heavy-duty rake...I really thought I hit him.  He ran out of the hedges right under my rake as I was swinging it down to tackle a large clump of onion grass.  He's OK)
  • Avoided a Jehovah's Witness (sorry Jehovah's guys make me nervous for some reason.)
  • Talked briefly with my Dad...not mentioning the traffic ticket of course.
  • Now I'm talking to Austin and getting ready to feed the pug for the night, shower and drive to Asheville for a friend's birthday partay.
Good day...busy day...but good...besides the ticket thing.  It should bother me but it really doesn't.  Maybe getting all the problems I got the ticket for fixed on the same day should count for something...
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