Apparently there's been some confusion... [open/active]

May 30, 2011 11:43

Character(s): A random storekeeper, Joshua, and anyone else!
Content: Joshua looks remarkably like a native, but his hair's too long to be a guy. So obviously, he MUST be a girl. Or so this shopkeeper thinks.
Setting: Starting in a shop, and then around~!
Time: Afternoon
Warnings: Joshua. In drag. (CHAT VOTED FOR IT DAMNIT)

Joshua was getting rather sick of wandering around in the same clothes. He was used to Shibuya, after all, with its constantly changing fashion and a wide variety of eclectic outfits. Now, many of the outfits here were certainly odd, but given the fact that his own wardrobe hadn't changed at all Joshua was a little inspired to check out what he could actually get.

Unfortunately, there didn't appear to be much. The natives all wore very similar clothing, and while some of it was interesting it wasn't really Joshua's style. He'd been about to leave the store when the shopkeeper noticed him, hurrying over and staring at him with wide eyes.

"What are you wearing, child?!" she asked, "Young ladies should never wear trousers!"

Joshua arched an eyebrow at her, taken a bit by surprise. "Excuse me?"

Apparently, she didn't hear him. She was rifling through some of the clothes on a nearby rack, pulling out a dress and shoving it at him, pushing him into a dressing room. "Now, put that on right now! I'm not letting you go out in public like that!"

Joshua looked at the rather elaborate dress he'd been handed, weighing his options. Really, it wouldn't be that hard for him to get away. Shift forms, flit away over her head as a ball of light. That didn't seem very fun, though. And he HAD been out here to get some clothes...

Several minutes later, Joshua was out of the dressing room in a vaguely Victorian-style dress, his actual clothes hidden away so the woman wouldn't try to take them. She nodded her approval and hurried him out onto the streets.

Now it was time to have a bit of fun~

yorda, yoshiya 'joshua' kiryu

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