Character(s): Vexen
Content: Vexen messing with weather controls, creating a certain mysterious fog.
Setting: Data Not Provided
Time: Week 26
Warnings: None.
It was going to be an interesting time for the citizens of the city, and the visitors that kept arriving. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a vial of liquid, freshly created that morning. Something to set everyone against each other, throw them off a bit. A great creation, if he thought so himself, but it was his creation, so he was bound to be proud of it.
Pressing a slot on the board, a drawer opened, revealing different vials, almost exactly like what he had in his hand. They were there to mimic certain aspects of the weather, like a feeling of warmth, or the wetness of rain...or the dampness of a fog. He pulled out one, replacing it with the one he was holding and closing the contraption again, moving back to the screen where he pressed in a series of commands, watching the writing drift up the screen. The commands crossed the screen, showing the information that he had entered, and he smirked. Oh, the data he would collect for the next few weeks.
It would take a while for them to figure out what was going on, and to figure out how to stop it, if they ever could figure it out. He'd doubt that though. If they were all wary and paranoid of one another, they wouldn't be able to work together very well.
Throughout the night, the virus and fog would spread, and he would just watch and observe. During the day, he'd see the results.