Characters: Sonic and anyone who wants to join in!
Content: It's about time someone went to explore just what was beyond that door in the church.
Setting: St. Destino and beyond
Time: Afternoon
Warnings: None so far - depends on who shows up and what they do.
Note: This one will be party style - make your own subthreads and go exploring. There's
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A strange door in a stranger place. There was little doubt that it offered something. But of what that something might be, she couldn't say. All the same, it didn't seem that there was anything immediately threatening behind the door, from what she could hear.
"It seems safe enough," she answered with a nod.
The moment the doors opened, the sky pirate's eyebrows shot up. Whatever he had been expecting to be behind the door, it was nothing like what lay before them now. "Isn't that interesting?" he half-whispered. Balthier turned toward Fran. Did she see the same thing he did or was this some sort of illusion?
Slowly, cautiously, he faced forward and took a few steps out into the strange, other world before them. It certainly didn't feel like an illusion. That was definitely sand beneath his feet, and he could feel the sun beating down on him. He looked up at the sky--there was one. There had been one while they were in the fields leading up to the church, but when one stood in a field of false grass, it was difficult to forget where they were.
Balthier frowned suddenly. "What do you make of this?"
"There are stranger forces at work here then we first thought," she answered slowly. Whatever Paixao was, this was a normal island. It had proper grass, proper sand... everything one would have expected.
And yet, there was a strange sort of oddness to it. Why separate the two places? Why lock one away? They were questions she couldn't answer.
"I would wonder why this was locked away."
Although... he couldn't help but wonder if there might be a similar door in this place. Not one that lead back to Paixao, as that one was right behind them now, but one that lead to yet another place. It seemed unlikely, but, then again, if there was one...
He nodded his head in the direction of a nearby building. "Let's see if this place has any natives of its own," he suggested.
"Or if there are any," she answered, by way of agreement. She couldn't hear anything, but that didn't mean there were no inhabitants. Merely that they weren't precisely nearby.
Balthier began to walk toward the shed, opening the door and looking inside. Didn't seem like anyone was in there. In fact, it seemed more for storage than anything else, and there didn't seem to be very much of value in it.
"See anything of note anywhere?" He meant on the way up as well, of course. He trusted Fran's senses better than his.
Strange people and sometimes inconvenient people (she hadn't seen Cid lately though, which was likely a good thing) but it was still more than she could say of this place.
"I have not," she answered. Nothing on the way up, nothing here... something here, her ears pricking up and locating the sound almost on reflex; her head following in short order.
If these Heartless were here, he had to wonder what sort of fate met the original people of this island. On second thought, he had a feeling he didn't want to know.
He followed Fran's gaze, eyes eventually locking on a lone shadow gliding across the sand toward them, two points of yellow visible in inky black. The Shadow Heartless eventually arose from the shadow, leaping at them only to dissipate into the darkness that had created it once a bullet was lodged in its skull. "How many more?"
The question was answered for him as more Shadows arose from the ground around them. The corners of Balthier's mouth turned downward in a tight frown. Maybe he should have been a bit more demanding when it came to pay.
Still, she wasn't about to let the Heartless get the better of her; one of her arrows neatly skewering one of the Shadows to the ground before it went the way of the one that Balthier had shot.
"Our course?" She knew what the answer would likely be, but that had rarely stopped her before.
Nor was there shame in leaving something of little value behind. Or great value, should it not be worth the trouble and she had to admit the Heartless seemed to be more than willing to offer a great deal of trouble.
There was a brief pause as she cast Immobilize on those that were in range, and then she turned to Balthier with a nod - the spell would give them at least a bit of a head start. "We go."
And yet, as they ran, he couldn't help but wonder whether or not they should make their return. He couldn't deny that he was curious as to the other locations on the island, but, on the other hand, he still wasn't sure whether the risk was worth the reward or even if there was a reward at all.
Well, they could always see what others could make of it. For all he knew, someone in the city might be able to give them the information they need to find a spot of treasure.
But for now, she'd leave the Heartless to the other explorers headed this way. They had hardly been the only ones to be interested in the place. Perhaps someone else had a better idea of how to fend of the Heartless long enough to find something of value.
Should there be something of value. But none of that was anything she wished to mention just now, as she loped easily alongside Balthier.
He did hope they'd be paid well. He was going to make sure to bargain for a greater sum of gil to say the least.
Besides, negotiations over pay hardly had to be in person, although it helped.
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