We're Very Wide Awake, The Moon and I [active]

May 19, 2009 12:39

Character(s): Saïx, and anyone who wants to come say 'hi'
Content: There's always been something about the moon...
Setting: J5, or thereabouts
Time: Moonrise on the night of the full moon
Warnings: Saïx and the moon, assumptions that there is a moon outside the domes somewhere.

The "moon" of the city was little more than a painting on the undersides of the domes. Saïx knew this as well as anyone else. He could feel its touch, but was unable to see it. A cruelty worthy of the place that pulled people from there worlds and left them here - and the sole reason he had thus far stayed indoors when the full moon crossed the skies. Why should he bow to a false moon? A moon he couldn't see with his own two eyes. It would have been disrespectful.

And yet, the longer he shut himself in, barricaded against the moon's eye, the more it began to chafe. He was a creature of the moon. To deny it was like attempting to deny his very being. And so it was, after far too long spent caged away inside, he was finally taking steps that should have been taken long before. Today, there would be no hiding. Today, he would greet the moon with open arms.

Admittedly, he wasn't so blind as to stand out in the street in the coat of the Organization, as the sun slowly sank beyond the horizon (such as it was). He wasn't that naïve. Instead, he was wearing what had become his usual outfit these days, much to his complaint - a simple pair of pants and a similar simple shirt, both in shades of gray and blue. And if anyone who had seen him in this before had questions as to why he was standing out in the middle of the street he'd answer... later. For the moment, there was something far more important on his mind, as the sun finally set, the moon rising in its place and...

And it was everything he had remembered it to be; setting his veins to singing even as he felt the prickle of his hair rising to meet the call. Yes. This was how it should always have been. From now on there would be no more denying. No more hiding. This was how it should always have been, and if anyone was staring at him as he simply stood there, listening to things only he could hear, he could deal with that later.

Or when they bothered him, if bother him they did.


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