How Happy Everyone Looks! [Active]

Mar 06, 2009 23:23

Character(s): Kino Makoto, Tanaka Hajime
Content: Senshi meets cheerleader
Setting: Near Matteus Academy
Time: Afternoon
Warnings: nah

Tanaka Hajime was patrolling. It wasn't like there was much else to do, but the lack of activity was straining him; sure, he didn't see the most of the action back in Yuuhi, but there were also his teammates to keep him company and distract him from the work. Now all he had was to stalk and wait for someone to fall into trouble. He didn't want anyone to be in trouble. He was just ready for it. And it was an unpleasant thing to wait for.

If there was one thing Tanaka had learned over the years, it was that students had a high tendency to fall into distress. And, by luck, it was not too far off from a museum; artists and couples on dates rated not far behind.

On top of waiting for normal people to have a desparate need for help, he was still annoyed and frustrated from his inexplicable arrival in this place. So, perhaps Tanaka was looking a bit excessively intense. It was dedication, he told himself, fueling his fire, but his expression told of someone who could probably benefit from a day off. He, of course, never took days off.

week 3, tanaka hajime, matteus academy, kino makoto (sailor jupiter)

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