Ball And Socket [Completed]

Sep 26, 2008 21:19

The Cheap Prayer had not been his initial alternative, especially after careful evaluation of the crowd within it. Dark, dirty -not to be confused with stinky, for some people in the bar smelt surprisingly lovely-, and dangerous... He had tried, and rarely did judge a book, or individual, by their cover, but in this case could not help but feel skeptical of these people. They were a mysterious crowd, a lot of which looking as run down as the shack-like tavern themselves. Genie held his tongue, though. They seemed to mostly keep to themselves, and he was sure he and Carpet would be the same.

Now, you're probably wondering why the jinni would select such a shady place. For one, it already had a pool table. However, due to the little light provided by candles within the tavern, he deemed it upon himself to install a dim pool table lamp to shed more light onto the table. This was something he did not mind, though. Compared to the nightclub, 'The Wild Ginger' was a lot less distracting.

The stentorian music, the bright, blinding lights… Not to mention energetic crowd. His attention would have surely been focused on that around him apposed to that before him. Pool required concentration, careful calculation, and a watchful eye. He had to make sure Carpet didn’t cheat. -not that he expected him to; the rug appeared a natural at a majority of games. But just in case he did.

Patiently awaiting the enchanted rugs arrival, Genie carefully sanded his custom crafted pool cue. He had begun work on the cue shortly after his own arrival, and though he was no carpenter, it certainly did not look all that bad. What did was the great amount of sawdust he had left on the floor. Not to mention the amount of noise he had made while working with the power tools and other machinery he had summoned to craft the cue

genie, completed, the cheap prayer, carpet

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