A Meeting [Active]

May 30, 2008 17:32

Character(s): Konan, Pein, Sasori, Zetsu, Hidan
Content: An Akatsuki meeting is held.
Setting: uh... I'll get back to you on that
Time: night
Warnings: ...Evil again?

First line of post. )

hidan, sasori, zetsu, konan, pein

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Comments 20

piercedgod June 1 2008, 17:51:21 UTC
Patience, in these kind of situations, these kind of roles, was crucial, especially in dealing with such a diverse, ah, following as the Akatsuki. Pein waited, standing beside Konan and more than ready to get the meeting underway. Like Konan, he was pleased to see, to hear, that there were more than a few members of the organization within the city walls. It would make things far easier, when it came time to set plans into motion.

Briefly, he wondered if he would see this younger Itachi, and if Hidan would actually attend. But such things didn't need to be worried over. If Hidan came, he came. Otherwise, he would encounter the repercussions of his defiance. How, Pein wasn't quite sure, but he'd figure something out. As for Itachi, well, that all fell on Kisame to bring him.

Hopefully, the other members would arrive soon. He did want to get this meeting going.


livemarionette June 3 2008, 22:24:57 UTC
Sasori arrived alone.

He hadn't any idea what had happened to Deidara, where he'd gone, or when. The one certainty was that Iwa's absent artist was gone---it was far too quiet for anything else. (If the bomb-nin had simply set out on his own for a time, he would have blown something up by now, and it wouldn't've been out of hearing range.)

It was unexpected, but it wasn't ironic; it was well-established that he would be around forever...and that Deidara would not. It was wrong, however, in that there had been no announcing light or noise. It was silent, it was uncertain, it was still, and so he would be waiting to see if his partner might return. The odds were unknown, but it wasn't impossible.

In addition, it was just like Deidara to be gone and have given no explanation.


weeatbodies June 5 2008, 01:47:07 UTC
Let it never be said that Zetsu did not take his job seriously. He had been asked to bring Hidan, and he had made good on his promise. He had departed early from the room that he and Sasori had shared--for strangely, not only had Haku not returned, (which he hadn't been sure would happen anyway) but Deidara seemed to have vanished. Neither chaos nor explosions had marked his loss, an uncharacteristically quiet disappearance from their company. He had searched a bit when he'd gone out, but seen and heard nothing--and quietly, personally couldn't help but regret it. It was a waste and a disappointment for Deidara to go without fanfare, whatever had happened to him--he deserved an artistic exit ( ... )


angelicorigami June 5 2008, 03:52:45 UTC
Konan glanced at Pein. It was only an instant, but her concern was expressed, and that was all that was needed. Sasori, Zetsu, and Hidan... There had been more. That Zetsu had informed them of Deidara's absence meant it was an unknown for now. She attempted to reach out to the ex-Iwa nin with her telepathy. Nothing. He was not within range. A check for Kisame gave similar results.

"Then he and Kisame are no longer in this city," Konan said simply, and waited for Pein to direct them further.


piercedgod June 5 2008, 16:39:44 UTC
Pein regarded the assembled members for a moment, Konan's concern noted and acknowledged. He was vaguely amused by Hidan's appearance. The Jashinist wore shirts so rarely that seeing him fully clothed was like a treat. And how Zetsu had brought him in was not surprising in the least. It was always difficult to get him to do what he didn't want to...

"We are short four, then, instead of one," he commented, the only indication that would be made to there being another member missing at the moment. One couldn't expect Itachi to be here when the boy both wasn't a member and didn't know where they were meeting. Kisame would have been the means to bring him, but it didn't matter.

"We have a lot to discuss. What do you know about the Organization behind the city?"


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