A Meeting [Active]

May 30, 2008 17:32

Character(s): Konan, Pein, Sasori, Zetsu, Hidan
Content: An Akatsuki meeting is held.
Setting: uh... I'll get back to you on that
Time: night
Warnings: ...Evil again?

First line of post. )

hidan, sasori, zetsu, konan, pein

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weeatbodies June 5 2008, 01:47:07 UTC
Let it never be said that Zetsu did not take his job seriously. He had been asked to bring Hidan, and he had made good on his promise. He had departed early from the room that he and Sasori had shared--for strangely, not only had Haku not returned, (which he hadn't been sure would happen anyway) but Deidara seemed to have vanished. Neither chaos nor explosions had marked his loss, an uncharacteristically quiet disappearance from their company. He had searched a bit when he'd gone out, but seen and heard nothing--and quietly, personally couldn't help but regret it. It was a waste and a disappointment for Deidara to go without fanfare, whatever had happened to him--he deserved an artistic exit.

But mysteries aside, Zetsu had paid Hidan a visit--and had intended to at least say hello to the man's apparent roommate, but it seemed he had left for work already--to.... encourage him to cooperate and come willingly. Needless to say, it hadn't worked. But that was fine by him; he'd needed a bit of excitement anyway. Hidan had "borrowed" Lex's Organization coat to make his point and insist that Zetsu leave, and Zetsu hadn't really given a damn; the scuffle had lasted barely any time at all before Zetsu had pinned him and gotten to work. Happily enough, they'd managed to keep the fight all on tile, so the carpet hadn't gotten stained; Zetsu had just wiped up the spilled blood before they left. It paid to be a polite guest, after all.

The final pair arrived soon after Sasori did, melting up through the floor, and Zetsu took a moment to bow to those that had arrived before him. He looked calm and serious enough, but there was no denying the pleased look in his eyes; Hidan was always amusing to struggle with. He gripped the back of Hidan's coat--and shirt, which was strange, as he was still wearing his civilian clothing and hair style--with one hand, and held his head tucked into the other arm, still glaring and spitting curses. Without further ado, he busied himself putting Hidan back together. "Deidara-san will not be able to join us." And as for the others? Well, he hadn't known that Kisame had ever been here in the first place, and Itachi wasn't yet part of the Akatsuki.... In his eyes, at least, it seemed that they could begin.


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