A Reunion of the Not-Jenova Sort (Open)

Feb 12, 2006 19:15

Character(s): Kenpachi, Yachiru, Rangiku, and the folk at Morem o Lisboa
Content: See Ichigo!  They didn't get lost!
Setting: Morem o Lisboa
Time: Tuesday, glorious Tuesday!
Warnings: Kenpachi and Ichigo in one room.  So probably swearing and lots of death-threats.

Okay, so he still couldn't say the name of the place properly, but at least they were here.  Morem o Lisboa.  And it was about damned time too.  Kenpachi was tired of trudging around in the weather.  Shaking his head in a tinkling of bells and a spray of water and chips of ice, he nudged open the door, ducking to get in.  It was a fairly warm and cheerful place - better than sleeping outside in an alley at any rate.

Not really caring that their trek from Muspelheim to the hotel had soaked him to the bone, he stood inside the doorway, allowing barely enough room for Matsumoto to get in.  Drip-drip-dropping water into sizable puddles on the floor, Kenpachi resisted the urge to shake like a dog to get dry.  Craning his neck to look at Matsumoto and Yachiru, Kenpachi smirked, looking pleased with himself.  Now all he had to do was find Kurosaki.  The rematch he'd wanted since his loss in Soul Society would have to wait.  ...not like he'd play it nice or anything, especially after the shit Kurosaki'd given him on his journey here, but at least he wouldn't haul off and smash the kid once he laid eyes on him.

kurosaki ichigo, kusajishi yachiru, zaraki kenpachi, completed, matsumoto rangiku

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