Damn Water Hole [Complete]

Nov 13, 2007 23:40

Character(s): Naruto, Itachi, Zetsu, Deidara and Haku.
Content: Both Naruto and Itachi are suffering from the water contamination and Zetsu comes to visit, bringing along with him two surprises.
Setting: Actua Are {F3}
Time: Morning.
Warnings: None?

Naruto lay sprawled out on the couch looking, all things considered, quite pathetic. )

actua are, deidara, uchiha itachi, haku, completed, zetsu, uzumaki naruto

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Comments 87

redeyesatnight November 14 2007, 00:28:04 UTC
Itachi was laying on the bed, arms crossed and under his head. The Uchiha could have been sleeping for all that his companion would have been able to tell. He had his eyes shut as he mulled over his memories. Funny how thirteen years worth of memories were enough to knock him on his ass... in public.

A night's rest had done wonders for him in terms of the massive headache and disorientation that he had to deal with as a result of his returned memories. And still, he desired the chance, the opportunity to relax. Already, he had spoken with someone on the journals, a Deidara. The Uchiha had been told that he was one of Zetsu's colleagues, and he had no reason to believe the statement false. Perhaps he would meet this Deidara... And perhaps not. It didn't seem like his last meeting went all too well. Not when Sasuke had been intent upon his death. Only Naruto's words kept Itachi from over-thinking that particular situation.

"Hmmmm? Am I not supposed to? I do need eight glasses a day." In fact, there was a glass, half full ( ... )


narutimate November 14 2007, 11:15:22 UTC
Naruto sighed and slid off the couch, you could rely on an Uchiha to give you a straight answer! Only not. He made his way over to the bedroom and leaned against the doorpost for support as he gave Itachi a pointed look. He let his eyes wander around the room for a moment and it didn't take long for him to spot the half-full glass of water.

"You did d-!" Before he could even finish his sentence he got into a violent coughing bout. God this really, really sucked. If he couldn't speak he would act, so act he did. He grabbed the glass and disposed of it in the nearest basin before returning to the Uchiha's side looking quite panicked.

"H-how do you feel?" He asked urgently once he got his breath under control. "The water's been poisoned! That's how I got ill."


redeyesatnight November 14 2007, 17:47:22 UTC
Naruto's pointed look was wasted on the Uchiha, who still had his eyes shut. After going so long without having access to the Sharingan, Itachi had activated it this morning, much to the displeasure and eventual protest of his eyes. He could hear Naruto's upset words, his coughing, and mild concern crossed his features. The older shinobi's presence was not unnoticed beside the bed, and from Naruto's words, he could only assume that the blond had pitched the water ( ... )


narutimate November 14 2007, 18:14:45 UTC
"You sure?" Naruto insisted as he sat down next to the bed, propping an elbow onto it and leaning his head against his hand. "I never just catch a cold, never. And are normal colds supposed to make you unable to use any chakra at all?" He almost scowled when he said it, instead it more looked like a pout, obviously loathing the entire situation he was in.

When Itachi looked at him, Naruto let out a yelp of surprise and nearly fell over. What the hell was up with Itachi's eyes? He quickly collected himself and leaned onto the bed with both arms, disregarding Itachi's statement for now as he closely peered into the Uchiha's eyes. It looked like it was supposed to be Sharingan. Only horribly gone wrong or it was the spawn of Sharingan and Byakugan mixed.

"I don't think Sharingan is supposed to do that, is it?" Naruto frowned. Thinking back on what Itachi said, Naruto resisted the urge to slap himself on the forehead. How could he have been so stupid? His mind quickly formulated an answer that would at least sound logical, or attempt ( ... )


redeyesatnight November 14 2007, 18:25:17 UTC
Itachi shrugged. He was half aware of what Naruto was saying as he tried to figure out what had happened to his vision. Perhaps he had used too much chakra in activating his bloodline? He'd never heard of it causing blindness... not at this point, anyway.

"It depends on how severe the cold it," Itachi replied. He was pretty sure that he had heard, once, of someone being so sick that they couldn't access their chakra at all. It was probably a rumor, though, so he couldn't be absolutely certain of what he had heard.

Naruto's yelp surprised the Uchiha and he turned toward the sound. "The Sharingan isn't supposed to do what, Naruto?" He wasn't aware that anything had changed with his clan's beloved bloodline.

"Don't you think that maybe, just maybe, there might not be poison in the water the next time you go to the tap? And yes, beyond the headache and the fact that I can't see, I'm fine." Little bit of sarcasm in there? No, not at all.


narutimate November 14 2007, 18:45:13 UTC
"I'm not that sick," he reasoned. Although there was some doubt there as he had never been sick before so it was kind of hard to tell. He was still sure that it was the poison though. How else could he have fallen sick in the first place? He didn't really feel like telling his rather newly-acquired friend about the fact that he had a monster in his belly that was the reason why he had never been sick before. Besides, for a while now it had felt like it wasn't even there so he could pretend Kyuubi didn't exist for the moment.

"Turn white?" he suggested. "I don't know everything there is to know about Sharingan but I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be red, right?"

"Because the entire city is poisoned and - " There was a slight pause, a silence before the storm, until Naruto fully comprehended what the Uchiha had said and gotten around the sarcasm. "You can't see? How can you not see? YOU'RE BLIND!?"


redeyesatnight November 14 2007, 23:50:42 UTC
"If you say so." Were he able to see, Itachi would have regarded Naruto, considering how he looked with the claims that he was sick. As it was, he had to rely upon sound alone to determine such things. And though Naruto didn't know, Itachi was quite aware of the demon in his belly. After all, he had been six when the creature was sealed. He could still remember seeing the Yondaime, and the kunoichi that was Naruto's mother.

"The Sharingan isn't white," the Uchiha agreed. "Not in any of its forms."

He paused, listening to Naruto as he took in the sarcasm and processed the words. "Yes, I don't know, and really? Who would have thought? Of course I'm blind if I can't see. You should really work on that problem of stating the obvious."

Here, Itachi offered a small smile. He could still make light of his situation, at least to Naruto. Internally, he was about as panicked as the blond. What good was an Uchiha that couldn't see???


narutimate November 15 2007, 11:50:57 UTC
"Will you stop doing that? You're just like Sasuke! This is serious!" Naruto let out a frustrated growl, which more sounded like a whimper due to the fact his throat hurt, the panic quite clear in his voice. The fact that Itachi was quite alike Sasuke was frustrating but at the same time strangely comforting, but more than anything it was confusing. It also hurt a little, like a reminder of what he had lost ( ... )


redeyesatnight November 15 2007, 15:28:16 UTC
"Stop doing what, Naruto?" Itachi affected an innocent look that was completely ruined by the smirk upon his face. He had never considered that Sasuke would adopt some of his personality traits. In fact, given everything that he was told about the situation, there was no chance that Sasuke could have discovered such traits. They were the kind of thing he reserved for his comrades and teammates. He had never showed anything but a more cheerful, more playful side to his otouto. "It's probably an Uchiha thing." Come to think of it, their father was like that, too ( ... )


narutimate November 15 2007, 15:54:46 UTC
Naruto shook his head at Itachi's so-called innocent look but couldn't quite wipe the smile off his own face, perhaps it really was an Uchiha thing. Naruto couldn't be sure though, in his life he had only met the last two remaining Uchiha's. One had been his former teammate, the other had been chasing him and whom he was currently sitting with a younger version of. It was strange. Itachi wasn't bad company at all. He just hoped that this version didn't turn into the Itachi he knew ( ... )


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